Wednesday 5 November 2014

Food and Drink To Look Out For

Recently there have been quite a few new food and drink items to hit the supermarket shelves. The kids and I have been lucky to try them so I thought it was time that I shared our favourites with you.

Fruit Bowl Frollipops

These new lollies from Fruit Bowl come in packs of five and they are available in two different flavours, apple snakes and strawberry rockets. Containing 1 of your 5 a day and made with natural colours and flavours and with no added sugar, they seem to be the perfect snack for little kids.

Two things, I found them to be a bit too sticky, this made them hard to get them out of the packet and secondly, if I'm honest I thought they were a bit small. Ideal size for toddlers but older kids would be left wanting more.

Overall and enjoyable snack, they smell and taste great and my girls gave them their seal of approval, just look at those smily faces above.

Twinings Tea

I never used to be a tea drinker but when I started trying to be healthier, I started to drink a lot of green teas and fruit teas.

Twinings have just launched some sensational new flavours to their range including : Passion Fruit Ceylon, Popcorn Green Tea and Nutty Chocolate Assam.

With over 300 years of history in tea, Twinings certainly know their stuff. 

The pyramid shaped tea bags provide a  flavoursome cuppa in 1-2 minutes. My favourite was the Moroccan Mint with Rose Green Tea, extremely refreshing. 

Little Dish Bigger Kids Meals

We have always been a fan of Little Dish. The meals have always tasted of what they said on the packet and there was always more than enough food in the bowl.

Little Dish recently released their new Bigger Kids meals specifically created for 3 to 6 year olds. Available meals : 

Chunky Cicken Pot Roast, Mild Beef Chiili and Rice, Mediterranean Cod & Tomato Casserole and Seven Veg Lasagne.

Packed full of lots of chunky pieces of meat and vegetables, they were the perfect size for my eldest two and my youngest two were happy to tuck into them too, I just halved the portion size.

What I loved almost as much as the meals themselves was the stickers and activities that you received with each meal. And there is even the opportunity to get more stickers and posters by sending vouchers from your meal off to Little Dish.

Available in Tesco, Ocado, Waitrose and Asda, I highly recommend them!! Tasty and fun as well as including 1 of their 5 a day, what's not to love.

Ready brek

ready brek

With the colder weather setting in, I am switching to my Winter menu. Lots of soups, casseroles and what better to have for breakfast than a lovely big bowl of porridge.

Ready brek has always been a favourite with my eldest daughter so she was excited to try out the new flavours.

Now available in chocolate and gingerbread, this instant porridge is simple and speedy to make, 1 minute 30 secs in the microwave and your away. And it certainly does the job of keeping my kids full until lunch time. 

I have to admit I personally find Ready brek to be a bit runny but I had to taste test it didn't I and the flavours certainly shine through. I'd say the chocolate one is like having a naughty but nice treat.

Packed full of vitamins, iron and calcium, it is a great way to make sure even the fussiest of eaters is getting some of the daily nutrients that they require.

Have you spotted anything new on the supermarket shelves that you given in and bought??


Disclaimer : I was sent these products for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I do like the look of those Little Dish meals....
    Ready Brek is a must for this time of year.....We love it x


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