Monday 19 May 2014

Read With Me #20

Hello everyone, welcome to another week of Read With Me. Firstly thank you to all who linked up last week, there were a couple of new linkers, nice to see so many great book recommendations. I've been mentioning each month just how many books I've managed to read but I wasn't sure exactly how many I had got round to reading so far this year. Whilst on Good Reads last week I set myself a reading challenge to read 150 books this year and it showed that so far I have managed 61 books, that's 41% of my target.

As I said earlier some brilliant reviews were linked up last week so I just wanted to mention a couple that I think you should definitely check out.

The lovely Vicky from Single Mother Ahoy reviewed And The Mountains Echoed written by Khaled Hosseini. It sounds like a very emotionally charged book and we've been warned to have the tissues to hand.

The second review that stood out to me was from Australian Picture Books, that's right we had a linker all the way from Australia!! The book that was recommended was Tanglewood written by Margaret Wild. This is a childrens book and what I liked about the review was that it offered activities to do which were related to the story, carrying on the fun!!

Now on to the link up. If you are new to #ReadWithMe please take a look here at what it is all about. If you've been here before then what are you waiting for, link up all of those lovely book related posts. Please take the time to comment on a couple of the other posts and I will love you forever if you would be so kind as to display my badge.

Happy reading.



  1. Ooh I got a mention in the post! Am such a geek - this sort of thing excites me terribly!
    Thanks for hosting x

    1. aaaa my pleasure hun, thanks for linking up x

  2. Thanks for the cool mention in your blog. I am all about promoting Australian books and only review books I love reading to children. They are all written by Aussie authors and most are illustrated by Aussie illustrators.This month on my facebook I am celebrating an illustrator each day and their beautiful drawings.

    1. it is so nice to see authors from other countries that I wouldn't have come across, loving your recommendations x

  3. A little bit different from me not so much a book review in the traditional sense

    Thanks for Hosting


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