Saturday 16 December 2017

Elf on the Shelf 2017 Round Up 3

With just over a week to go until Christmas I'm ever so slightly excited at the prospect of presents, good food and time with family. Are you prepared or panicking right now? However while we wait the elf antics continue.

Day ten

These elves must be quiet as a mouse because they managed to change the kids bedding last night into something a little more festive and they didn't even notice!


Day eleven

No-one likes a good book more than our elves and they happened to be reading a wonderfully festive one just perfect for our Christmas book collection.


Day twelve

A certain pair of elves were caught red handed in the cake box, quite literally!


Day thirteen

Time for the annual North Pole breakfast. This time complete Christmas trees.


Day fourteen

Do you want to build a snowman 


Day fifteen

What is it with elves and food antics, head straight through my cereal box, a right fruit loop!


Day sixteen

More elves, this time in the form of gingerbread, yummy.


One more week to go, I'm going to miss these elves when they're gone, check back next Saturday to see if their behaviour improves.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! You are so good with the elves. hehehe
    I am copying the toilet roll snowman for tomorrow. x


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