Friday 21 June 2013

Getting Green Fingers #KidsGrowWild Challenge

I have to admit I am not not very green fingered, I tend to leave the gardening up to Daddy Hazelden. However my children have always been very keen to plant flowers in the garden, they have grown sunflowers and watercress previously at school.

So when the opportunity arose to take part in the #KidsGrowWild challenge with MoneySupermarket and BritMums, I jumped at the chance.

In the post we received a really lovely gardening kit, this contained everything we would need to get us started. The kit included a fork, a trowel, a pair of gardening gloves, a watering can, 3 packets of different seeds and labels to help you indentify the plants once they had been planted. All of this came presented in a beautiful bag, which my girls have now placed in their dressing up box.

The gardening kit arrived at a perfect time because the children were on half term and it just happened to be a gorgeous sunny day.

We found a little corner of the garden that seemed to have the most sunshine on it and proceeded to dig.   As we began to do this, the children discovered all of the bugs and worms that lived in the earth, we also found a lot of ants. My 3 year old, Gracie wasn't too sure what to make of all the insects.

The girls took in turns to dig and after a little while we had managed to get rid of any weeds and make a nice patch to put the seeds in. We decided to use two of the packets of seeds and leave the sunflowers for another day because we needed to buy a pot to put these in. I helped by opening the packets and pouring the seeds into their hands, they then sprinkled the seeds everywhere and then covered them back up with the mud that we had dug up.

Their favourite part of the process was watering the seeds. Again they each took it in turns and they have been watering the seeds every couple of days, just waiting for them to start growing. I am surprised at just how patient they have been. As you can see from the picture below, the kids obviously did a good job because we have little plants sprouting from the ground, I think I am just as excited as them to see the flowers growing, it will be nice to have a good splash of colour in the garden!!

The kit we were sent was an ideal size for all the children. It allowed them all to get involved, and get out in the fresh air, much better than being indoors and watching the television. It was also nice being able to explain the whole process of plants needing sunlight, water etc to be able to grow, although my 7 year old did seem to have a better knowledge of this than me!! The kids are looking forward to planting the sunflowers, as soon as mummy finally remembers to go and buy that pot!!!

*This post is an entry for BritMums #KidsGrowWild Challenge*


  1. Looks like they had lots of fun

    1. thank you, they really did, much more green fingered than their mummy

  2. Fun times! I love the mini tools!

  3. awww that's such a cute gardening kit and a great post x

  4. Some fabulous words and pictures. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

    1. Thank you for allowing us to take part, we had great fun!! x

  5. I loved taking part in this challenge as I too am terrible in the garden ;0). Its great to see that the girls learning as they took part. Great photos. Thanks for thinking this up with Mini Creations x


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