Saturday 12 October 2013

Mummy Diaries : Pregnancy by Louise Hamilton Review

I am the same as my children, I'm a huge book worm, I normally read a book a day, I find myself sitting up until the early hours as I like to get to the ending!!!

About a month ago, a lovely mummy, Louise Hamilton was looking for people to review her book, Mummy Diaries : Pregnancy Stumbling into the unknown.

Having looked at what the book was about and after reading some of the reviews on Amazon, the idea of the book intrigued me, so I decided to purchase the book myself.

mummy diaries pregnancy stumbling into the unknown Louise Hamilton

The book itself is more of a diary than an actual story. Louise writes very honestly, she doesn't sugar coat what she is thinking/feeling and I found this very refreshing. A lot of pregnancy books I have read in the past have all been very samey and generic. 

It is nice to see a "warts and all" book that shows that pregnancy isn't always straight forward, we don't all get that "pregnant glow" and can't all have the perfect pregnancy. I think it can ease other peoples minds knowing that someone else has had the same worries as them.

The chapters are nice and short so it easy to read and simple to pick up from where you left it when you have to put the book down. 

I definitely related to a lot of what Louise wrote and I found myself nodding and agreeing with certain statements and laughing whole heartedly at some of it. 

With the added birth stories from some of her friends, it shows that not every pregnancy is the same, which I can tell you is most certainly true, having had four kids, I have found that each pregnancy has been a new adventure of it's own.

Full of emotion, you go on a rollercoaster of ups and downs with Louise. I think this is a must read for any mums/mums to be and I would highly recommend purchasing it and I am now looking forward to reading her second book when is released.



  1. This sounds much needed, the stuff I read in pregnancy bore v little relation to my experiences!


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