Saturday 5 October 2013

The ponies, the horse and a donkey

Yesterday Gracie, Layla and I went out with Auntie Lucy to go and see Great Nannie Russ on her birthday. A few family members were meeting up at Farthingloe Farm Restaurant for a bite to eat.

Gracie and Layla had already eating but still managed to find room for cake, which in turn gave them lots of energy to burn.

We decided to pop outside and say hello to the shetland ponies. As you can see from the picture below they were quite friendly. Layla kept saying "Hi ya" to them, unfortunately she got no response.

We then spotted another pony and a horse just up the hill, Gracie insisted we go and say hello to them too. She was more than a little surprised when got to the top of the hill that not only was there a pony and a horse but a donkey too, heehaw :)



  1. looks like you had a fab time xx

  2. Aww looks like you had a lovely time! Fab photos x

  3. She certainly looks like she enjoying going up to the animals xxx

  4. there is just something about kids and ponies!

  5. So cute, Layla talking to the ponies!

  6. Love that last photo, looks like she is dancing for the ponies :-)

  7. Isn't that black shetie gorgeous!? So hairy, she almost looks like a large collie dog rather than a mini horse. ;)

    1. lol that is true!! it was so friendly, the white one was too busy eating lol x

  8. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. thanks for popping by Nessa, I'm now following you on bloglovin x

  9. I hope that Great Nannie Russ had a fab birthday! Lovely photos of the girls having fun outdoors chatting to the ponies and donkey - so sweet. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. she had a fab birthday, spoilt rotten :) thanks as always for hosting!! x


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