Wednesday 20 November 2013

Before You Were Born Meme

I've been tagged in a fantastic meme by twinmummyanddaddy. This meme makes us think back a little bit and asks about some of the things we used to do before our children were born.

In honestly it is tricky to remember a life before kids because once you have given birth, it feels like they have always been around!!

What is your favourite holiday destination and why?

See this is the good thing my favourite holiday destination is actually somewhere where we have only ever been as a family, Ibiza. We have been there 3 times as a family now but they great thing about this destination is that it is suitable for both families, couples, single people, anyone really.

There is plenty to see and do, whether you want to explore the old town, experience the clubbing night life or enjoy watching the sun go down.

ibiza sunset

What is your funniest memory pre-children?

This is a tricky one because I was pregnant after being with Daddy Hazelden for four months so I'm hoping it still counts when I was pregnant but my funniest and also one of my best memories would have to be Daddy Hazelden's 24th birthday. This was the day that he got extremely drunk and the end my poor old mum had to help get him in the bath and tuck him up in bed, funny for me, not so funny for him :) This was also the day that he proposed to me, not on one knee but two because the poor man couldn't balance on one knee by this point. Good job I love him otherwise I might not have been laughing.

engagement ring

What was your favourite thing to do in the evening?

My favourite thing to do of an evening pre children had to be take a long hot soak in the tub, you know the one, candles lit, nothing but silence to be heard.

These days I'm lucky if I even get the bath to myself. Even if the kids don't jump in, they are sat on the toilet next to me asking me all sorts of questions!!

What hobbies do you have that you can no longer do?

Now since having children, I haven't had to give up any hobbies. I like to read, I like to attempt to knit and I like to blog. All three things I still do, they just take a lot longer these days.

What do you think you took for granted before having children?

I think I took for granted our time as a couple. I love my kids and I love all the time we spend together as a family but I do wish there was a few more opportunities for Daddy Hazelden and I to spend together as a couple.

We struggle to not only find a babysitter but with Daddy Hazelden working in London, there aren't many days left because our free days are for family time.

I always say it but we really should make more of a conscious effort to spend quality time together as a couple because our relationship is important too.

So who am I going to tag next?

Deborah who blogs at Super Busy Mum
Gemma who blogs at My Mills Baby
Jocely who blogs at The Reading Residence
Gina who blogs at Cold Tea and Smelly Nappies
Jo who blogs at Sit Still Monkeys



  1. Great post Chantelle! Love the bit about Daddy Hazelden being rather worse for ware! I hope you ripped him for a long time after that! Thanks for the tag. I would love to take part as soon as possible! x

    1. Lol he still gets a ribbing for that now ;) looking forward to reading your post x

  2. This is a lovely post and a great idea for a meme - thanks for the tag. It is as if they've always been here, isn't it, so I'll have to get thinking!

  3. What a lovely post. Thank you for the tag, I shall set to it when I have a spare min :-)

    1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :) x

  4. What a fab post! I'd just got my social life back after my daughter turned 9 as she was out most nights with various activities when - boom - pregnant again. Needless to say, it was a BIG shock lol

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

    1. Lol I can imagine, I've had my daighter all fairly close together, my social life has been missing for about 8 years ;) x

  5. Oh, Chantelle, this is a lovely idea for a post too! Can I write my own, even if I haven't been tagged by anyone?xx

    1. Of course you can!! Looking forward to reading it!! x

  6. Great post - can hardly remember a time before children!

  7. Here's mine honey - thanks for tagging me. After the day I've had though - mine is a little grumpy!


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