Monday 11 November 2013

Letter to Santa

Have you noticed all the Christmas adverts appearing on the TV and the numerous amount of toy adverts? Queue the start of a lot of "I wants" from the kids!!!

So I thought it was about time that the girls wrote their letters to Santa. Elise and Freya wrote their own letters whilst Nannie helped Gracie write hers and I has a good guess at what Layla might like for Christmas.

The lists weren't too long and I think they may even get some of the things they've asked for if Santa thinks they've been good enough.

The question is will they get a reply from Santa?? Have your children written their letters to Santa yet?



  1. Mine have! I love your Christmas paper for their letters!

  2. Not yet, going to wait until 1 December with our three year old - whilst I still have the choice about when it gets written!!! #What'sTheStory

    1. lol haha I'm sure it will be earlier next year ;) x

  3. Alfie keeps asking if we can write his soon so I think in a fortnight - if he can wait until then!

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

    1. Bless him, gives him more time to think of more toy ;) x

  4. I'm so excited to do this this year. MY boy is now 3 and s excited to write to Santa as he can know lots of his letters now. He can only write in huge letters tho so it def wont fit in a mail box hehe. Lovely post #magicmoments

    1. aawww bless him, you will just have to fold it down really small ;) x

  5. Very cute, cant wait for Liv to be old enough to do this!

  6. My lot haven't done theirs yet. Love that you made such an activity out of it, fab :) We'll try and hold off a little longer... Although the asking for things has already begun :) #WhatstheStory

  7. What a lovely idea to get them to write letters to Santa, great paper too. It must get harder when they're older and they're exposed to so much more advertising. Our toddler will be three soon (Christmas Day) so this could be the first year she writes a letter. Fabulous post, thank you for sharing #whatsthestory

    1. aaawww what a special time to have a birthday!!! Yes they really notice everything, they take great joy in going through the argos catalogue and picking out what they want lol x

  8. That's on the agenda for this week! And I like to order those letters from Santa from the NSPCC by way of reply, too.

  9. That's such cute christmas letter paper. I hope they get replies :)

  10. What a lovely idea. Can't wait till my one is old enough to do this. Stopped by from #magicmoments.
    Laura x

  11. What lovely letters = I hope they get everything on their list. Am approaching Lucas's letter with trepidation and thinking of just sending Santa the Argos catalogue and be done with it :) #whatsthestory

    1. hahaha that would probably work better here too :) x

  12. wow i am loving these letters what a fab thing to do!!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  13. Love this! Christmas is such an exciting time of the year. I have a friend who is 27 and still writes her letter to Santa each year! #MagicMoments


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