Friday 22 November 2013

Love to Read

My girls all take after me when it comes to reading, we all love a good book. I think this may have something to do with the fact that they have always had books surrounding them.

I remember buying my eldest daughter her first set of books before she was even born.

This week Freya moved up another level in her reading at school, proud mummy moment. She has been waiting a while to be moved up because even though she found stage 4 really easy, she had to read all the books at that level before she could be moved up.

So today was the first book of stage 5 and guess what, she loved it, already looking forward to moving up to stage 6!!

Do your children like to read? What is their favourite book to read at the moment??



  1. Well done to her! My son is a big reader, it's one of his favourite things!

    1. It is a lovely thing for them to be interested in isn't it x

  2. That's so lovely, you must have been really chuffed. Our toddler loves books, I can't wait until she can read too :)

    1. I've started saving all my book collections ready for when they are older, they've got twilight to look forward to :) x

  3. Well done to her! My children love their books. They can't yet read, though Boo is starting to learn now and is excited at the prospect of being able to read a book alone. Little Man, at just 14 months, brings book after book to me so that I can read to him, so I'm hopeful I've a pair of bookworms here, like their mummy :)

    1. aaaaww fingers crossed, it is a nice thing to do with them too isn't bit of a cuddle whilst reading :) x

  4. Well done little lady, I'm so glad she is enjoying her reading. My brother always had his nose in a book when he was young, I was a little older when I really started to enjoy reading.

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)

  5. It's so lovely to share a love of books with your kids. I have so many favourites that I can't wait to share with mine, but will have to wait until they're a little bit older... Currently, my son's favourite books are Topsy and Tim have a Birthday Party and the Numberjacks annual. (He is 3). My daughter (1) adores books and I think her favourites are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (with buttons that play magical star-like sounds (do stars make sounds? Apparently, they do)) and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre.

    1. all lovely sounding books, my eldest two daughters have started reading the books that I used to love like secret garden, really is lovely x


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