Tuesday 25 February 2014

A Winter Adventure With Barny

It is no secret that this Winter has been rather wet and windy, making it sometimes difficult to keep the children entertained, especially when they have been stuck inside for so long dreaming of the great outdoors. Britmums and Barny wanted to celebrate children's curiosity so have set a winter little adventure challenge for us to take part in.

We were sent two packs of the delicious Barny sponge snack in scrummy new flavours strawberry and apple.

barny strawberry and apple sponge cakes

These yummy snacks gave the girls some much needed energy to embark on the small adventure I had planned for them.

I managed to find a lovely kit at our local supermarket that meant the girls could not only plant some flowers without having to step out in the rain but they could also design the little pots that the flowers would be planted in. Even Layla joined in.

I loved that each of them came up with something totally different. Freya actually took inspiration from watching Cloudy With Meatballs 2 the other day. Below you can see Elise and Gracie's pots.

Then it was time to plant the seeds and to water them. First they need to fill up the pots with compost, I think more actually ended up on the table than in the pots but we got there in the end.

The pots are now in a nice sunny place on the windowsill.You can see below Layla and Freya's artistic efforts.

The girls have been watching inpatiently waiting for the plants to grow. I haven't told them that they'll get to plant them outside in a couple of weeks time, another little adventure to be had.


"This post is an entry for Britmums 'Winter Little Adventures Challenge' sponsored by Barny, individually wrapped bear-shaped sponges with a hidden filling. Find out more about Barny here - www.barnyworld.co.uk "


  1. We did our own little adventure too - nice to see what others have been up to!

  2. Looks like the girls had fun! x

    1. they did, nice having them do something together x

  3. Lovely post. I did something similar with my lot planting bulbs I had been given ages ago in a nice pot - DD took them to school this week for her Spring project. Pretty flowers and easy homework done - bonus! Popping over from #mmwbh

    1. what a great idea!! and killing two birds with one stone as such, bonus x

  4. What a great post and new Barny flavours too! I'll have to keep an eye out for those! Yum! The little flowers to be pots look ace too, cannot wait to see them sprouting in a few weeks time. Thanks so much for linking up to the #MMWBH x

    1. I can confirm the new flavours are very tasty ;) x

  5. What a lovely idea, I love that the weather is starting to pick up. I think I best head to the garden centre for some seeds!

  6. Aww wow this looks like a great activity to try out with the kids :) x

  7. Love the drawings on the little pots. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

    1. I love these challenges, makes us think of different things to do :) x

  8. This looks like a lovely little activity but I had to smile at the bit about the girls expecting the plants to grow more quickly! Hope they see green shoots soon. #MMWBH


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