Monday 4 August 2014

Skid by Roland Watson-Grant Review

Earlier this year I reviewed Sketcher by Roland Watson-Grant. What I didn't know then was that that book was to be part of a trilogy.

So when I was asked if I would like to review the second book in the trilogy, Skid, I happily accepted as I was eager to find out what happened next in skid's life.

'Having left the Louisiana swamp behind, the Beaumonts are finding it hard to settle into the big city. As he unpacks the boxes after their move to Eastern New Orleans, the no sixteen year old Skid finds a diary which had belonged to his older brother Frico. Among various other family secrets that emerge from the discovery is the startling revelation that "Skid" is a hoodoo word of ominous significance. This throws Skid's mind into turmoil and prompts him to launch into a quest for the real meaning of his name and the very foundations of his own being, an adventure which will pitt him against his own brother and lead him to encounter Claire, a mysterious girl who seems to hold the answers to some of his questions.'

At the beginning of the book we see Skid seemingly in just as much trouble in the city as he was back in the swamp.
skid roland watson-grant

With his dad still presumed dead, Skid's two eldest brothers have left home and the rest are now living in an apartment in the city.

Ma and Pa Campbell are of course back to, adding a touch of eccentric and witty behaviour into the story.

Now sixteen, Skid is struggling with the same worries and problems that any teenager goes through, including girls. According to the hearsay, the girlfriend he had in the first book has been driven to going to a nunnery. However his neighbour Claire certainly seems interested.

'Claire leans over and kisses me, full on. Four seconds at least, and she bites my lip a little when she's pulling away.'

Written in the same dialect as the previous book, Skid's voice is unmistakable although I got the sense that he has maybe grown a little wiser, although still just as invested in finding out all about things that have seemingly been kept hidden from him.

So when he finds an old diary from Frico, Skid is set on his new mission.

'Trust me, my brother Terence is not what anybody thinks he is.'

Could Skid's name be more than just a name, a curse perhaps? Can he change things that happen around him just using the thoughts in his head?

The second installment is just as fascinated as the first.

There are lots of giggles, more hoodoo and even a surprise wedding?? There are also moments of sadness and peril too. I loved watching Skid grow more during another poignant time in his life through the good and the bad.

And the ending, I did not see it coming.  Lets just say there is a huge surprise waiting to be read.

I can't wait for the third book!!!


Disclaimer : I was sent this book free of charge for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I love to get recommendations for books to read and it sounds as if I should give this trilogy a go - or at least the first two anyway!x

  2. Ah I remember your review of the first one! I love it when a sequel doesn't let you down!

  3. Sounds fast paced and full of intrigue, perfect for a trilogy.

  4. This sounds like a really interesting book, I think I will look at the first book and take it from there!


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