Monday 17 November 2014

Read With Me #46

Hello. Welcome to this weeks Read With Me. I haven't mentioned the C word in here yet, Christmas.

read with me
Well until now.

I think books make the best presents, especially for kids.

This is something I always purchase for not only my kids but friends children too.

I don't think it matters the type of book you get them as each child sees a book differently.

Adults can be a little trickier to please.

However with technology taking over you can always buy someone a kindle voucher or if you like a good paper book in your hands then you can always look at buying a gift card for somewhere like Waterstones.

This leads me nicely onto my favourite post from last week. Tattooed Mummy wrote a post putting together a fabulous list of authors and books that she would recommend as Christmas gifts.

I'd love to hear more book suggestions for Christmas gifts in the comments below.

In the mean time lets get on with this weeks linky. New linkers can look here at what Read With Me is all about. Everyone else get linking, commenting and if possible displaying my badge.


Happy reading.


  1. I have handmade most Christmas presents this year but pretty much everything else I have bought is books. It's not Christmas without shiny new books!

  2. Oh wow have I got a post for this linky! Yay :) Christmas is coming! xx (I'm nowhere near ready, but still giddy haha)

  3. I haven't had any books to link up for ages and now I've got 2 for this week. Thanks for hosting

  4. Hello Chantelle! It's great to be back. Thank you for hosting!

  5. We love to receive books as gifts - we have shelves full but can never have enough

  6. We have a 17 hour flight to Thailand and back over Christmas. We will be buying a good few books for the plane and I am downloading a few for my Ipad and also some stories on Audible, and some books for me... :) I will pop back later and read some of the other blog posts! Thanks for hosting! :)


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.