Tuesday 6 January 2015

Time This Couch Potato Got Fit

It's January, you know that month where we all suddenly decide we need to get fit and start eating healthy. Well I too am jumping on the band wagon, it's time that this old couch potato finally got fit.

This time last year I was saying almost the exact same thing but I was lacking something, well two things actually, will power and focus.

I haven't been shy about putting photos of my body on my blog in the past but this year I feel more embarrassed and I'm not willing to put those images out there just yet, however the photo I took this morning has certainly given me a huge kick up the bum to actually quite moaning about my body and instead to do something about it.

The weighing scales are currently not my friend, I'm weighing in at 8 stone. Now I know to most of you that seems tiny but on my little 5ft 1 frame it's a higher number than it should be. I've lost my tape measure but as soon as I discover it again, I'll be taking my measurements too.

So what's my plan?

Exercise wise I've dusted off my trainers and dug out the exercise dvds from their hiding place. I have set my alarm for 6.30am every day so that I can do my workouts first thing. This means a) no kids to get in the way. b) There is no excuse to put it off til "later".

I'm starting slow and steady with a mix of workouts including the 30 day shred and Davina's Intense dvd. My aim is to slowly mix this in with weights and running. My thinking is that if I keep varying what exercises I'm doing that I won't get bored.

Food wise I'm cutting down on the amount of junk food eaten, I have also decided to set myself a meal plan each week. Something else to focus on.

This week I am having :

Overnight oats each day topped up with fruit, I'll pop a recipe for this up on my blog shortly. I'm having a green tea with breakfast every day, great for weight loss.

I am having a different tinned soup with a ryvita cracker to dip in it.

Monday : Stir fry with turkey strips cooked in chilli oil.
Tuesday : Omlette with turkey rashers.
Wedensday : Sweet potato with tuna and salad.
Thursday : Pepper stuffed with cous cous.
Friday : Fish accompanied by new potatoes and peas.
Saturday : Jacket potato and beans.
Sunday : Chicken and avocado salad.

Drink wise, I'm cutting out everything like alcohol, fizzy etc. Just one green tea a day and then as much water as I can manage.

This probably all sounds fairly simple but I also know that it works, I just need to stick with it for longer than a month!!

I've also joined a facebook group with some fellow bloggers, hopefully we can keep each other motivated enough to reach our goals.



  1. Good luck with your plans, hope it all goes well x

  2. Great plan hun and I like the meal plan :-) It's about feeling comfortable in your own skin isn't it? I'm 5"3ish and crept up to just shy of 9st after having Toby last July so although neither of us would be classed as overweight, it's not what is most comfortable for us. Best of luck and thanks for linking with #BlogginToJogging xx

    1. I think you summed it up perfectly, definite more about feeling comfortable, not a vanity thing x

  3. Good luck with your healthy eating meal plan...it sounds great. Green tea is fab isn't it...I have one with breakfast and one a couple of hours before bed and I swear it has helped me with my weight loss x

    1. I totally swear by it, I think it has really helped keep my weight down. I was drinking the salted caramel one over christmas, so good!!

  4. Good luck! I stood on the scales at P6P the other night and nearly fell off! Massive wake up call. We can do it! x

    1. Nice having other peoples support isn't, makes it seem more achievable x

  5. This is fab and well done because it's not easy. You're welcome to join my motivational 52 healthy weeks linky it opens again today. Would love to have you x

  6. The Shred is awesome, definitely one of my favourite exercise DVD's to workout too! Good luck with your weight loss challenge - you have some yummy meals planned for sure!
    We run the Weight Loss Wednesday linky over at SimsLife.co.uk so feel free to keep us all updated on your progress! Sim x


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