Tuesday 10 February 2015

Weekly Weigh In 10.02.2015

5 weeks in and it is time for another weigh in. I'm quite pleased with myself that I've made it this far into the new year and I haven't given up on my goals.

So this week I haven't lost any weight, I have stayed the same. Now I'm not as disheartened as the last time this happened because of two reasons. One I have been doing more work with weights so I think I have lost any fat then I may have gained it in muscle. Two, this may be too much information but it is nearing "my time of the month" and I always seem to gain couple of lbs around then so I'm hoping I'll notice more of a difference next week.

What I have noticed, usually around this time of the month I become extremely bloated, I start to look like I'm pregnant but this month I am staying roughly the same size.

So what's my plan for this week?

Exercise wise I'm continuing to add in more weight and ab based workouts as I'm keen to tone everything up, those wobbly bits need to go!! I'm also part way through this 31 day challenge, I find little challenges keep me motivated and encourage me to do a bit of exercise each day.
Food wise, I have to say I'm loving eating healthier although I still enjoy the odd indulgence. Having a meal plan has really helped me stick to better foods too. My main problem is snacking in the evenings, I think I get bored and tend to eat my way through the bordem. So I've switched up crisps for salted popcorn and instead of chocolate I've been making my own cereal bars.

protein pancakes, quinoa egg bake, nutty seed bars

My meal plan for this week : 

Breakfast : Overnight oats, porridge or protein pancakes.

Lunch : Soup or scrambled eggs with ryvita crackers.

Dinner :

Monday - Pork stir fry
Tuesday - Turkey meatloaf
Wednesday - Quinoa and chickpea salad
Thursday - Healthy fry up
Friday - Chicken and chickpea curry with brown rice
Saturday - I'm out for the night so this will be treat night :)
Sunday - Beef stew

Drink wise I'm sticking to green tea and water. Every week I do allow myself some alcohol but what I have changed is the amounts. Instead of drinking a whole bottle of wine in a night, I am only allowing myself one glass as lets be honest as good as it tastes, it is empty calories being consumed!!

Here's to another week of being healthy, we can do it!!



  1. You are doing so well, pleased to hear that you are not disheartened by no weight loss this week

  2. Well done, you are doing so well. Time of the month always affects me too. And all of those meals sound really good. I said exactly the same to Ross about drinking the other day - empty calories! Keep up the great work x

  3. Well done, maintaining at the time of the month is great. I always pile on a few ibs at that time. Well done on cutting down your booze too, that can only help! #bloggingtojogging

  4. Well done, this all sounds like you are doing really well #bloggingtojogging

  5. You are doing so well! :) Meal planning certainly helps, really need to do it myself. However tend to stick to the same meals as I know the calorie content etc. Need to start looking into different meal options.
    Good luck for this next week!
    Sim x #WeightLossWednesday #BloggingToJogging

  6. This is the first time I've heard about overnight oats. Had to google what it is! It's always fun to learn something new! Do you have any nice special porridge recipes to share? I'm a bit tired of my plain oats with berries/fruit and coconut porridge.


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