Monday 30 March 2015

Read With Me #13

Welcome to this weeks Read With Me. I had a real treat last week when I got to Beta read a book for a friend, nice to be able to give some constructive thoughts on a story before it is even published.

read with me
I also read a series of books that I've had on my TBR list for a while.

The Needing Moore series by Julie A Richman follows the stories of Schooner and Mia.

Ok yes these are the romantic/erotic genres but what is interesting about these stories is that they aren't all told in the present and there is a great mix of both the male and females POVs in all of the books.

It was refreshing to get the characters back stories as well as their present day situations, allowed you to feel more for them.

Now my favourite post linked up last week couldn't be further away from the books that I was reading last week.

My Book Corner wrote a brilliant post of the best colouring books for adults, now I don't know about you but I love colouring, there is something so relaxing about it!!

Onto this weeks link up. If you are new to Read With Me, welcome, take a look here at what it is all about. Regular? Get linking, commenting and possibly displaying my badge.


Happy reading.


  1. Love adult colouring books! Thanks for hosting x

  2. Love adult colouring books! Thanks for hosting x

  3. Thanks for hosting Chantelle! Come join us at The Book Nook at Create With Joy - lots of fun activities this time round in addition to our literary link-up! :-)

    Have a wonderful Easter week!


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