Wednesday 10 June 2015

Cinderella, The Heart That Believes Book Review

I absolutely love being a LeapFrog amabassador and the girls have really benefited from this too. A couple of weeks ago my youngest daughter was extremely excited because we received Cindrella, The Heart That Believes in the post. Cinderella is currently her favourite Disney Princess so she promptly walked off with the book. 

cinderella leapreader interactive book

This book is part of LeapFrog's early reading series and is one of their LeapReader interactive books.
As always their stories combine fun with learning and this book encourages things like consonant blending.

The tale has been significantly shortened to allow for easier reading for younger readers but the story remains just as magical.

At the beginning of the book you are shown what individual symbols mean, so when the LeapReader is used in conjunction with the book your child can confidently use the book/LeapReader independently.

It has been most beneficial to my 5 year old who is coming on leaps and bounds with her reading since starting school in September last year.

The illustrations are beautifully displayed, all the classic images and characters that we know and remember well are included not forgetting the all important glass slipper.

On the back page there are lots of words displayed. Showing both child and parent what words are being learnt and just what sort of sounds are being used/picked up. I found this really useful as it allowed me to go back through the story with Gracie to see whether she was understanding what she was reading/being read.

The books can be read with or without the LeapReader and are perfect for reading with family or alone. 

Stories like this normally start from around £12.99 which I will admit is rather expensive, the price is really the only negative that I can find, it would be nice to see the cost lowered!!


Disclaimer : I was sent this book FOC however all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Boo has a leapreader and it was so good when she was learning to read. You've reminded me to get a few books in for Little Man for this now, thanks! x

  2. I am so excited to start the learning to read journey with my two in due course, and these leapfrog books looks great x

  3. This is lovely! The words your learning bit is brilliant x #readwithme

  4. This looks fantastic! Kids love it when they can read a story by themselves don't they! #readwithme

  5. Why didn't we have those when we were learning to read? They look like such a useful tool!


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