Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Fitbelt Review and Giveaway

I'm sure you have realised by now that I love to exercise, especially running but one thing I have always struggled with when it comes to working out when away from home is being able to carry any of my belongings with me. I feel a bit lost having to leave my phone and keys at home due to lack of pocket space and that is where The Fitbelt comes in to help.

the fitbelt

Available from Amazon, this is essentially a belt which has enough storage space to allow you to take keys, money and phone along with you on your run without affecting how you run. You can choose from either black, blue or pink zips, I opted for the girlier pink.

the fitbelt

It is adviced to wear it either around your hips or around your waist, I found it more comfortable on my waist as shown below.

The belt itself is quite wide and made from soft, stretchy material making it super comfortable. It's also very adjustable so suitable for many to wear.

Reflective bands also increase your visibility making it brilliant for running in these colder, darker months as drivers and other pedestrians will be able to spot you from further away but it can of course be worn under clothes if you don't fancy having it on show.

Storage itself is ideal. I can fit my iPhone 6 in the larger pocket and I was able to carry my bank card and keys in the smaller one. Even with all of these things inside it didn't appear or feel bulky at all. I was surprised at just how much it could contain without adding too much weight.

the fitbelt

Coming with a free ebook and lockable laces I'd highly recommend The Fitbelt and of course it isn't just for runners, it can be used simply when going for a walk, maybe when going to a concert and you don't want to carry a bag on you, really there are plenty of possibilities.

the fitbelt

Now if you like the sound of The FItbelt you can enter my giveaway below to be in with a chance of winning one. Simple fill in the rafflecopter form, making sure to enter correctly as all entries will be checked and verified. This is open to UK residents only and will close on the 4th January 2015 at 11.59pm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone.


Competitions at ThePrizeFinder


  1. I walk everywhere and I practise yoga.

  2. Walk as much as I can - also have (and use) an exercise bike


  3. I use my exercise bike nearly every day

  4. I love to walk, especially when the scenery is good!!

  5. Pushing my grandsons in their double buggy and running around after them x

  6. Taking my boys to and from school going up and down 3 flights of stairs! X

  7. Walking the dog
    Claire D

  8. I practice stretches.

  9. Lots of walking and using my cross trainer.

  10. walking, cycling and dancing!

  11. Lots of dog walking and cycling

  12. I like to run, but I haven't been doing it often in the past few years. I really need to get back into it.

  13. I walk a couple of basset hounds twice a day that takes hours.

  14. I like to do Zumba to keep fit

  15. I do a lot of walking.

  16. I love cycling and running. I go road biking and mountain biking and also participate in my local 5K Parkrun.

  17. I keep fit by cycling to/from work, walking at lunch times and going for longer walks at weekends

  18. Running and going to the gym!

  19. I love swimming, dancing and scenic walks :)

  20. Play badminton, knees are a bit knacked now though

  21. I like to run, it's cheap, convenient and clears my mind

  22. Love my treadmill (Alex Telford)

  23. I love walking and swimming and a little cycling too

  24. walking the dogs three times a day

  25. I walk and run quite a bit...they are the only 'sports' I'm any good at as it doesn't take that much skill - I mastered the first very early on in life ;)

  26. I try to go to the gym but it has happened a lot less frequently recently!!

  27. at the very least, through dog walking, but I do try to work out regularly.

  28. I hate most exercising but I do love walking and try to go on a 30 minute walk everyday.

  29. I try and go for a walk across our fields every now and again

  30. I enjoy walking, jogging and rowing.

  31. I walk about 8 miles per day with occasional short bursts of jogging

  32. I like running and doing the school run

  33. Body Pump, Circuits, Hiit, Body Balance and training for a marathon

  34. I love exercise DVDs & running - going to try p90x at some point when i'm brave enough.

  35. I walk as prescribed by my physiotherapist.

  36. I walk a lot with my children and I enjoy jogging

  37. I walk everywhere and do exercise dvds at home

  38. I walk or jog at least a mile a day.

  39. the truth is that I don't like keeping fit, I find it boring and hard to motivate myself. the only thing that stops me being a complete couch potato is that I volunteer at a local inner city farm charity, and work in the stables one day a week. lots of manure & soiled bedding to be put in wheelbarrows and taken to the muck heap, lots of yard sweeping, poo picking and tack cleaning, and a dozen muddy horses & ponies to be groomed means that each Friday I get a very vigorous workout and thoroughly enjoy it all.

  40. A bit of yoga and walking. Then there's the housework - that's included isn't it?! (@PeanutHog)

  41. Walking, hoping to increase this in the New Year too

  42. i run on my treadmill and also love swimming! :)

  43. I enjoy swimming and the gym :)

  44. Swimming and walking

  45. I love going to the gym but a very demanding seven month old has put a stop to that for the moment so chasing after him will have to do for now

  46. I love to hula hoop and do sit ups...id like to get into jogging this year though.

  47. I walk everywhere as I do not have a car. Carrying large bags of cat litter also helps!

  48. I really don't like to keep fit but I do cycle as it's the most enjoyable mode of fitness for me.

  49. I run a lot, although when it is wet and cold my motivation somewhat suffers!

  50. Pam Francis Gregory4 January 2016 at 13:34

    I walk to and from work

  51. I don't do much, but I do walk the dog and seem to burn off energy dashing around doing housework x

  52. I use the Wii/Fit/Board, its really good x

  53. Walking. I have arthritis and walking and swimming help a lot

  54. Pilates, Yoga and Spinning classes

  55. Best way to keep fit is walking. We walk everywhere and its one of the best forms of exercise

  56. I walk with my little daughter everyday but planning start cycling as just had twin babies and badly want to loose weight xx

  57. I like to keep fit by walking the dogs :)

  58. Running around after my 2 year old!

  59. i try to keep fit by keeping active - walking, using stairs instead of the lift, going for jogs, I just need to do more of it now to get rid of the Christmas bulge!

  60. Getting out and about with my children.


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.