Sunday 21 February 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #8

Seems we have been stuck indoors more often than not lately. Cold and wet weather is off putting enough but my girls have also been struck down with coughs and colds galore which makes me want to keep them indoors even more. It's just that time of year isn't it!

However the sun made a rare appearance on Friday and we decided to wrap up warm and go for a walk, or a roll in Freya's case because she had her heelies on. We weren't out particularly long because it was still rather chilly when we got caught in the wind but I think it made a huge difference to everyone's morale just leaving the house. I've found that the sun has a way of making everyone smile.

We made sure to take some bread out with us so that we could feed the ducks, and this is when I took the above photograph. Much easier to get them all in a nice photo when they don't know that I'm behind them with a camera. I enjoy seeing them all interacting not only as sisters but friends too, they have a unique bond between them.

Moments like these when they are all getting along and just enjoying the simple things in life really are the best and I appreciate them so much when they do happen now because more often than not they are off out with their own friends rather than playing with each other these days. Roll on Summer when we can get outside more often.


  1. I know the feeling, looking forward to the summer now.

  2. Sometimes it's the little moments that count isn't it. Capturing moments not necessarily milestones. Sounds like this was one of these lovely moments. Hope you had a good half term

  3. A lovely image of your girls :) We had the good weather on Thursday which was our shopping trip day thankfully! #MySundayPhoto

  4. Half Term has been pretty rubbish for weather hasn't it! We also made the most of a sunny day this week and went to the park.

    Such a lovely photo of all of them together x x x

  5. With the weather as cold and wet as it is at the moment, being able to get out and do simple things is definitely an opportunity worth grabbing. I've been out in the rain a couple of times this week and still enjoyed myself.

  6. Nothing like a good bit of fresh air, Clio is a big heelie fan too

  7. Fab photo! It is nice to get out and have a bit of fresh air x

  8. Such a lovely photo of your girls sharing a fun moment together x

  9. What a lovely photo. We've spent far too much time indoors this week, which is very unlike us. We much prefer to be outside, whatever the weather!

  10. Ah this looks lovely. A great photo from what sounds like a lovely foray into the outdoors!

  11. Great photo, I agree easier to get a photo when they're not looking

    Thank you for linking up

  12. Yep, that cooped up feeling in winter is never great. We've not been out much either. I'm a big fan of snapping when N's not aware too - so much harder to get 4 all looking the same way at the same time, so bound to work better!

  13. Its always nice to capture moment with the sun just something to look back to when its gloomy =) #mysundayphoto

  14. We've not had half term here but the weather is rubbish. Such a lovely photo & glad you've had some sunshine xx


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