Friday 12 February 2016

Sleep Is Good Books Are Better

sleep is good but books are better

Books have always been a huge part of my life and I'm a firm believer that everyone should read them, if not a book than atleast a magazine, something to get the cogs turning. I remember being jealous of my older brother when he used to bring home reading books from school, I was still in nursery at the time. I desperately wanted to be reading the "big kid" books too. And when the time came for me to progress to those types of books, (you know ones with chapters and less illustrations), I was forever getting in lost in their worlds. My mum probably lost count of the amount of times she had to tell me to put the book down and go to sleep, there was plenty of times I was known to accidently not hear her.
fallen Lauren Kate

Having children of my own only increased my love and enthusiasm for books and the stories that they contained. You can't deny that they are a brilliant tool. We can learn so much from those all important words on each page we read and of course our imaginations get a real working too. I would  have quite happily escape to places like Narnia and Wonderland, the magic of it all never fails to entice me in. This is why my girls rooms are filled to the brim with tale after tale.

bookshelf with books in rainbow order

These days I think I get the best of both worlds. My girls have an abundance of books, their collections began before they were even born. Many of them I used to read when I was younger, so when story time comes around we get to enjoy these tales together, my favourites being Each Peach Pear Plum and Peace At Last. I've never got bored of them and it reading with the children is a great excuse for cuddles.

classic books dr seus beatrix potter eric carle

My two eldest daughters have reached the stage where they've begun to borrow books from my collection, The Hunger Games series was a huge hit with all of us. I think it is wonderful to see how certain books can affect people differently depending on their age. The kids were taken in by the action side of things where as I had my focus on the romance surrounding it all. What's funny is how the tables have turned, now I'm the mum telling my child to put the book down because she needs to sleep. They've also developed their own individual tastes, reaching for books such as Harry Potter (something I could never really get into).

jk rowling harry potter david walliams boy in the dress

However once the children are in bed it becomes time for more adult themed book and yes I'll admit it, I do love a good smutty story. It should come as no surprise that all I got for Christmas was books, books and more books. Once I've started a story I'm very reluctant to put a book down until I reach the end. This is also where being an adult is great because my mum can no longer tell me to go to sleep although I do have my husband nagging me to do that instead.

fifty shades of grey, hunger games, twilight

My huge love for books doesn't come down to one singular genre either, I'm happy to give any story/author a try. You can see just from the books pictured how varied my tastes can be. From Fifty Shades of Grey to The Mortal Instruments, so very different but no less entertaining. Reading is definitely my way of relaxing and being able to change from looking at books on my Kindle to holding the real thing in my hand has just added an extra element to the enjoyment. This is why I will never complain about being tired after staying up all night reading because to me sleep is good but books are way better! 


  1. I'm just re igniting my book passion, having kids seemed to leave me with little time (and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow! ) but I love to be lost in a good read

  2. I love reading too, although not as much as you! We're lucky to receive lots of great books to read and review and I love reading a wide range of books.

  3. We love books here too, I have started reading more this year and I love it!xx

  4. Im with you, absolutely love reading books and like a lot of genres too

  5. I'm always falling asleep reading - my husband often comes and puts my books away for me! x

  6. I'm the same when I have a good book! I often don't start a book if I know that I have to be up early the next day :o)


  7. I love this post! I'm a real book lover, but you are on a whole different level! I've never stayed up all night reading and usually find my eyes start to blur after a few pages and I have to stop - even when I desperately want to keep going!
    My kids have gone through phases of being avid readers, but my boys aren't really reading at the moment and my daughter only reads a few pages at night.

  8. I have a similarly varied taste in books. Less keen on the smutty, but I loved Hunger Games and Twilight too. I do love your bookcases - they look very prettily organised.

  9. Love this post! I love books too, always have. Iv'e not read as much as I would like to these past few years but I hope to change that soon. I want to read the hunger games books x #Readwithme

  10. To the love of books! Brilliant post! Can I join your book group?? #readwithme


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