Sunday 20 March 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #12


My girls and I and even my hubby are huge fans of Adventure Time. If you've not watched it before then I insist you do so now. Yes it is a cartoon but the humour can be somewhat adult and makes for highly entertaining viewing for the whole family. Anyway Mcdonald's currently have Adventure Time toys in their Happy Meals so we headed to Maccie D's last weekend more for the toys than the food.
Trouble is when I got home I kind of regretted not getting a Happy Meal for myself because I felt like I missed out not having toys of my own (yes my inner child was coming out) and I happened to tweet my disappointment. Imagine my delight when Mcdonald's tweeted me to say they'd send me some toys, yay!

I was only expecting a couple if I was lucky so I cannot explain how surprised I was when I got a delivery of all of the Adventure Time toys, I was like a kid at Christmas and my kids thought I was number one parent that day, because I done the nice thing and shared my toys :)

We passed on the generosity by giving the girls friends the doubles of the toys we had. Shows a little kindness goes a long way. So thank you Mcdonald's for making my day.


  1. oh my how lucky, I'm a huge fan and plan on taking the kids to Mc Donalds next week...might have to have a happy meal for myself just so I don't miss out.

  2. My girls haven't got into this but they have 100s of Shopkins

    Thank you for linking up

    1. oh we have those too, find the little buggers everywhere lol!!

  3. That is quite a collection for hours of happy play

  4. Oh wow! Well done for McDonalds for being so kind!
    That looks like a great collection x

  5. I've never heard of these but you're the second blogger I've seen who's mentioned these this week - although she'd bought just the packs without the happy meals. Who knew you could do that?!

  6. Aww what a great collection. We got a few when we were there last week. They are fun toys. Enjoy xx

  7. I'd never heard of Adventure Time toys. So thank you for enlightening me with your knowledge of them.

  8. Love them - am fascinated by the show as it is so out there, completely random and enjoyable!

  9. Oh that was a very kind thing for them to do. Don't worry my inner child somtimes buys Happy Meals for the toys too!

  10. Ah that brill I work at McDonalds and they can be really good sometimes hope you have lots of fun with them x x

  11. So nice of them to give you this! I havent seen Adventure Time but I know that its a cool program. I am loving their toys and goodies too at Forbidden Planet! #mysundayphoto


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