Sunday 5 June 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #23

This was one of those moments when I literally just had to stop and smell the flowers. We were at Howlett's Zoo and these plants just caught my eye when we were walking around trying to discover more animals.

I'm not the best at growing plants but that certainly doesn't mean I can't appreciate their beauty when I see them. It wasn't the brightest of weather days so the vibrancy of these flowers certainly managed to put a smile on my face.

Does anyone know what these particular ones are?


  1. They are gorgeous flowers! So pretty!

  2. I can see why you just had to stop to enjoy them, so pretty and delicate and vibrant against those huge green leaves.

  3. They certainly stand out, very colourful flowers. #MySundayPhoto

  4. Beautiful! Such a gorgeous colour too! :)

  5. No idea what they are, but they're very beautiful! You sound similar to me - I like to look at flowers, but I'm pretty rubbish at keeping them alive and at identifying them!

  6. Beautiful flowers, I love how bright their colour is

    Thank you for linking up

  7. Rhododendrons #MySundayPhoto

  8. We have the same rhododendrons all over the farm at the moment, they are beautiful

  9. Im not green fingered either but I do love a pretty flower and that one is gorgeous!

  10. Awww really does look lovely! I notice how plants have their own sunshine and this one is really bright =)



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