Wednesday 3 August 2016

Miles of Smiles Book Review


I love book post and the latest one to drop through my letter box was Miles of Smiles. This is a gorgeous looking children's book that looks at the concept of just how far a smile can really travel.

What happens when Baby gives her mom a smile? Mommy passes it on! And that's how one smile begins an upbeat journey, making stops at different places along the way until it links a whole community together and finally comes back home.


This book is truly heart warming. The story is simple yet so effective. With the use of rhyming words we are taken on a journey along with the travelling smile, meeting different people and seeing so many different things can put a smile on a persons face.

The wording along with lovely illustrations really demonstrate just how someone else's mood can affect other people interacting with them.

The pictures look more like simple sketches but I think they work well with how the story is being told. Bright colours appeal to younger children and each of turn of a page reveals a new place in town, a different situation.

What's great about this book is that there are so many things to be discussed both as you are reading and after you've finished the book. Just how can you pass on a smile and who would you pass it on to?

You can see above that there is a beautifully illustrated map which shows just where the smile has travelled. Even to me as the adult reading it's nice to be reminded just how your mood can affect others around you.

Miles of Smiles is lovely story which could appeal to children of many ages. Easy to read, wonderfully entertaining and managing to teach something which seems so simple but is rather important all at the same time.


  1. I'd never heard of this book but it sounds lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love the idea of a story that shares smiles :o) The map at the back is such a great idea too.


  3. What a gorgeous book, the illustrations have a real vintage look about them and I LOVE that map picture!


  4. Lovely book. We recently read can reviewed one called The Lost Smile #readwithme

  5. What a lovely premise for a book - and love the retro-style illustrations. Makes me think a little of Sophy Henn's Pass it On in concept but very different in execution. #readwithme


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