Sunday 30 October 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #44

I'll admit we don't really celebrate Halloween. I don't take the kids trick or treating and if I can get away with it I won't buy dress up outfits either. Really I feel like it just another thing that has come from America in a bid to make us spend more money.

However I do like cake so who am I to deny my children some spooky bakes. we made these last week. Floating ghost cupcakes with a hidden lollipop treat underneath.


  1. They're great! We usually go trick or treating to a small number of people we know and my daughter buys herself a new costume with her own money every few years!

  2. Haha these look amazing, bet they taste yummy too

    Thank you for linking up

  3. These look fab! We made spooky treats yesterday too! #MySundayPhoto

  4. Those are so cool!!
    I normally try and do some Halloween baking but this year I kinda forgot lol

  5. Hahaha I love these Chantelle. They made me smile.

    My big grump is the fireworks. So many last night and now they will continue until after New Year. A definite BOO from me :(

  6. These look fab! I love them. What a great idea x

  7. These look amazing, love them :)


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