Monday 24 October 2016

Read With Me 2016 #43


Hello everyone, welcome to this weeks Read With Me. The kids are on half term, we get 2 weeks here due to their training days being clubbed together to give an extra weeks holiday. 

We've been looking at Halloween based books recently, including the classic Funny Bones and my favourite Room on the Broom, what are your favourite Halloween themed books?

My favourite post last week came from Ups & Downs, Smiles & Frowns with her review of the thrilling The Girl with All the Gifts, I popped it on my TBR list instantly.

On to the link up, new comers look at the Read With Me page to see what it is all about. Regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), commenting is appreciated as it displaying my badge.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. Aww well Sarah!

    You chose my two favourite Halloweenychildrens books too! I love room on the broom so much and grew up on funny bones lol!

    I will have to add your button to my entry later as I'm on my phone :) x

  2. Thanks for hosting. Room on the Broom has always been a favourite here too

  3. ooops - sorry for linking one of mine twice - that's what happens when you do things on the nightfeed!


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.