Friday 9 December 2016

Elf on the Shelf 2016 Round Up 2

Hey everyone, 9 days into December and I have a cracker of an Elf on the Shelf round up for you, Buddy has been both kind and funny, so far he's kept his naughty antics to a minimum. Read on to see just what he's got up to this week..

Day three

The countdown has well and truly begun and Buddy and Jovie wanted to show that he was counting down the days too, not so bad as it meant there was a sweet treat for the girls to enjoy too.

Day four

We've had a North Pole breakfast before but never a North Pole dinner but Buddy left a note instructing the girls on where he'd placed all the bits ready to make a festive dinner later on.

Day five

Buddy's been using his down time to work out. Looks like Jovie failed to help spot him lol.

Day six

The girls struggled to find Buddy and Jovie but eventually they found them just swinging around.

Day seven

Elf hot chocolate was waiting for the girls in the slow cooker.

Day eight

When the girls found Buddy he was mid battle, using the force. Looks like Jovie was caught in the cross fire.

Day nine

We all love a bit of Lego building and seems the elves are no different. 

That's the end of this weeks round up, pop back next Friday to see what Buddy has been getting up to, the question is will he behave himself?


  1. Looks like your elves have been having a lot of fun this week. Your North Pole dinner looked delicious #PoCoLo

  2. These are so funny! Looks like the elves have been having fun. :)
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo

  3. Love the work out picture - made me giggle, guess they have to keep their strength up somehow! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo x


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