Monday 6 February 2017

Read With Me #6 2017

Hello you lovely lot, here we are in the month of February and it's time for the first Read With Me of this month. I managed to do a tad more reading last week and I even managed to get that post up telling you about all the books that I read in January and some of the ones that have been added to my TBR list.


Before I share my favourite post from last week I just wanted to say if you haven't done it already I highly recommend that you sign up to Netgalley, it is free to do so and you get to read some amazing novels in exchange for your reviews/feedback. You even get the opportunity to read books before they are even released. 

Now I couldn't actually decide on just one post from last week as there were two reviews that stood out for me. One was from Ups & Downs, Smiles & Frowns with her review of The Couple Next Door and the other was from Suzanna Williams with her review of the YA thriller Split Second.

On to the link up. Newbies do look at the Read With Me page, regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on a couple of other posts and perhaps consider displaying my badge of linking back somehow.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. Thanks Chantelle! I love this link-up. I have signed up to Net Galley but I don't have an e-reader and I find the tiny phone screen not so useful. Now I know what to ask for for my birthday! x

    1. Oh yes, a kindle is must! Or an iPad is good for reading on.

  2. I've just started a book I got from Net Galley. It's great getting books before they're released :)

  3. Ooh, thanks for the mention of Split Second book review. Glad you liked it.

  4. Just joined in for the first time, thanks for hosting!


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