Monday 20 February 2017

Read With Me #8 2017

Hello you lovely lot and welcome to this weeks Read With Me. I've been concentrating on reading with my youngest recently. She's at the stage where she knows her phonics sounds and now she has moved on to diagraphs (google it) and tricky words. I was surprised at how quickly she picked up on these terms, sounds etc because even as an adult it is a lot to take on board

When I'm reading bed time stories to her now she has begun to point out letters, words, trying to sound out and spell words that I'm saying to her, books really are a great way to learn anything. Even now when I read certain stories I'm still learning, there are certain words that even I struggle to pronounce so how children take things on board is quite inspiring really.


Thanks as always to everyone who links up. My favourite post last week came from the lovely Acorn Books with their review of The Lumberjack's Beard, a wonderful picture book that teachers the importance of looking after the environment. 

On to the link up. Newbies do look at the Read With Me page, regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on a couple of other posts and perhaps consider displaying my badge of linking back somehow.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. Glad you liked our post, thank you :)
    Lovely to hear how your youngest is getting on with her reading. #readwithme

  2. Such a great book - Lumberjack's Beard and the review was superb! I agree! x

  3. The kids I babysit do the same thing! I have to read them bedtime stories, and the older one always points out words.:)

  4. Just found your linky, great idea, we read lots in our home.

  5. I'm not sure exactly how they are teaching our littlies to read at the moment but it seems to be working wonders. Our youngest is reading words that I'm sure the others were in juniors before they read. Thanks for hosting Read With Me - One of my favourite linkies x

    1. So nice to see them progressing like that isn't it! Glad to have you joining in with #ReadWithMe :)


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