Sunday 2 July 2017

My Sunday Photo 2017 #27

I think I've made it known before how not green fingered I am when it comes to keeping plants alive so when my father in law gave us a chilli plant and a tomato plant, I did warn him that they would probably never get to the point of actually growing anything.

Surprisingly two weeks on and both plants are still alive, perhaps I'm learning some new skills.


  1. They're looking good, fingers crossed they keep going

    Thank you for linking up

  2. They look like they are thriving, it could be the start of a new hobby?

  3. I am totally with you on the lack of green fingers, but these look great! Maybe I should try again too! :D #mysundayphoto

  4. I'd suggest putting them in bigger pots - good luck!

  5. Go you! It looks like they're doing well but I know nothing. I suck at growing things. lol x

  6. Hooray! Good work! Here's hoping you get tomatoes and chillis growing :)


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