Sunday 3 September 2017

My Sunday Photo 2017 #36

We were making the most of the lovely bank holiday weather the best we could. We had planned to go to a sandy beach but the husband hurt his back and was unable to drive so we settled for a walk down to our local pebble beach instead. The girls were content in finding shells amongst the pebbles.


  1. I love a pebble beach. Looks like a lot of fun was had #mysundayphoto

  2. My girls seem to love pebble beaches more than sandy ones

    Thank you for linking up

  3. We don't get a lot of pebble beaches around here. Looks like fun! #MySundayPhoto

  4. They certainly look very happy there! It must be lovely to have the beach nearby.

  5. We managed the beach on the bank holiday too, always a treat and makes me feel holiday like. Lovely photo of your girls here.

  6. Ahh! They look so happy. It sounds like you had a great day out. I hope your hubby's back is feeling better now x

  7. looks like you had an amazing day out and what beautiful girls you have #mysundayphoto


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