Sunday 22 October 2017

My Sunday Photo 2017 #43

As hurricane Ophelia made its way across the UK at the beginning of the week, where I am, it didn't really affect us too much. However I did notice the same thing that many others did, the strange colour of the sun and the way it lit up the clouds. The photo below was taken at about 3.30pm on Monday.



  1. It was crazy on Monday, felt like an eclipse

    Thank you for linking up

  2. Great capture of the workings of nature. I've lived thru a few hurricanes here in Florida US, and the skies can be unsettling.

  3. It was so strange on Monday. It was practically dark in here at 2pm. Eek!

  4. It was really odd! I'm cross that I totally missed the orange sun - I just saw the strange light from indoors and didn't realise the sun had gone orange!

  5. That's a gorgeous capture, we had a real orange look to the sky here too, I wish I'd thought to take a photo.

  6. The sky was crazy and amazing wasn't it. I tried to get a photo but the colours just wouldn't come through.


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