Friday 3 August 2018

Lack of Sleep and Pouring Rain #weeklyroundup

In typical British fashion, my girls broke up from school for the summer holidays last Thursday and of course by Friday night the sun had vanished and the rain began, thankfully the sun has come back now. I'll be the first to admit that the soaring temperatures had become a tad too much but only during the night when I was struggling to sleep but I was more than happy with the sunshine during the day.

The sight of rain meant finding a few rainy day activities for the girls to be getting on with, arts and crafts are always a winner here, oh and cinema trip was definitely on order.


I've still been making my way through His Dark Materials. I seriously underestimated how long it would take me to get through this giant of a novel.

But while I have been reading that story my youngest has been reading me her new set of books that she got for her birthday, unsurprisingly the theme of the stories is all about unicorns. It's been nice seeing her progress to chapter books.



The latest series I've become engrossed in on Netflix is The Staircase. At first I just wanted to see what everyone was talking about, I was expecting to become bored almost instantly but actually it really gets you thinking.

We also took a trip to the cinema this week to watch Incredibles 2. I'll admit I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be for a Disney film. It seemed quite long for an animated film but the kids thoroughly enjoyed it (and the pic n mix of course).



Of course I was wondering when the bickering would start between my daughters. They did well, lasting until Monday!

Really I'm not even moaning about that as it's quite nice just to have them around, with the youngest turning six last it has made me realise that these days won't be around forever. 


For her birthday, my now six year old got a bit of money from certain family members, some of which she chose to spend on new clothes including this gorgeous dress from H&M that I will openly admit that I wish they did in adult sizings.



What better rainy day activity than a spot of baking. And what better thing to bake than a batch of unicorn cookies.

Oh and I have also made a start on holiday preparation. With less than 2 weeks to go I decided it was time to make lists of what we still need to buy and just what I need to pack for everyone.

As the weekend approaches I'm hoping that the sun decides to stay instead of making a fleeting appearance. We have a BBQ to attend for one of my god daughter's birthdays and I'm hoping that we can get up to Leeds castle as it was something we were meant to be doing last week but the weather stopped our plans.

How are the summer holidays going for everyone else so far?


  1. Ha ha I love it, its all about unicorns, I think the 1st Incredibles is one of my least favourite Disney Films and I am a huge Disney fan. And yes make the most of it they grow so quickly x

  2. I love all the unicorns, my girls would love it! We go on holiday at the weekend and I feel very unprepared for it x

  3. I really want to go and see The Incredibles but my 2 have said they are far too old to watch it lol. Ooooo have heard lots of things about the Staircase, we have just finished Safe on Netflix which was brilliant so we need something else to watch x


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