Wednesday 19 September 2018

She Believed She Could So She Did - A Journal of Powerful Quotes from Powerful Women

Being a mum to four girls I definitely want to be able to inspire them, to uplift them and guide them down the right path of their choosing. However even I sometimes find myself at an utter loss for words, not able to portray that certain amount of positivity that I'd really like for them to hear but I needn't worry anymore as I've been given something that is fantastic not only for my children but for me too.

She Believed She Could So She Did, this is described as a journal of powerful quotes from powerful women and honestly I can't disagree.


Every girl needs a little inspiration, especially when the going gets tough. This journal full of quotes from successful women who battled adversity and won will show you that anything is possible as long as you persist.

Every page will encourage reflection and provide motivation as you navigate the sometimes difficult path of growing up. As you turn each page, you'll find encouraging quotations alongside space when you can jot down your innermost thoughts and feelings. Once this journal is filled in, it will become a keepsake volume to treasure.

Now the words above are what you will find written on the back of the book and I'm struggling to find any better words to add to make you want to buy this book because they are all true.

With quotes from women like Mother Teresa, Diana Ross and even Martha Washington, I guess what I actually really love about this book isn't just all the positive quotes but the opportunity for my daughters to see who originally said them and then for them to go and find out more about these inspirational women.


What I suggested to my girls was that with each blank page that is left beside each quote, we could all write something down. Perhaps how the quote has made us feel, what it could inspire us to do or who we'd like to say this quote to next.

By the time the book is filled it will make a great coffee table book. You know the one, where you can pick it up at your leisure, dip in and dip out when the mood strikes.

Ultimately what you get with this journal is an abundance of positivity, something that can lend a helping hand even if you don't think you need it and as the back of the book suggests, it will make for a brilliant keepsake. Maybe not even for just the recipient, it could always be passed on to someone else who you feel needs a little boost.


Be prepared to feel powerful!


  1. This looks absolutely gorgeous. It would make a great Christmas present for my sister :o)


  2. I was about to say the same, about it making a great Christmas present for a lady in your life. I think KayCee (13) would appreciate getting this for Christmas.

  3. That book looks beautiful and is definitely going on my ever expanding list of books I want to get for my daughter as she gets older! #ReadWithMe

  4. Really gorgeous. What a lovely idea for a book #readwithme

  5. This looks beautiful, I love the idea that you and your girls can add your own quotes and thoughts. It's going to turn into a gorgeous family keepsake for you. #readwithme


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