Friday 2 November 2018

Darker Days and Cosier Nights #weeklyroundup

Hello November. Every year I say the same but the days seem to pass so much faster with each month that goes by. I've got less than 30 days and my eldest will be stepping into her teenage years, I mean seriously, I'm so not ready for that moment to come round!

But let's just not talk about that yet.

How about those darker days? Did the clock change go well for anyone? I don't want to boast but my kids have never been effected by it, whether they've gone back or forwards my girls have always slept the same. They take after their mum, utterly lazy.

I welcome the clock change in October as I'll admit I love the fact that it gets darker sooner. I look forward to closing the curtains, lighting the candles and putting the fire on, the nights are so much cosier. Although it does make me wish away my weeks as I long for the weekends to just be curled up under a blanket.

And on that note here is my #weeklyroundup . . .


My reading mojo made an appearance in the last fortnight. After my friend lent me a massive pile of books, I felt obliged to read them sooner rather than later and I went back to how I used to read. Picking up a book and not putting it down until I'd finished it, this meant late nights and waking up feeling more tired than usual but I regret nothing.

There's no better feeling than getting lost in a good book.

Some of the titles I read include: The Secret Wife by Linda Kavanagh, The Hidden Girl by Louise Millar, Sister Sister by Sue Fortin and Mistletoe and Mystery by Daisy James (look out for a review at the end of the month.


Hands up who has started watch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix? I just couldn't resist however I did stop the urge to binge watch and I instead watched one episode a day. To be honest I don't think I could have viewed more than that at one time because every episode is roughly an hour long.


I've seen mixed reviews about the programme but over all I have to say that I did enjoy it. I think this was in part due to the fact that it was made by the same people who produced Riverdale, another show which I thoroughly enjoy.

I think if you go into it with an open mind then you won't be disappointed. It is nothing like the original, it's a lot darker. I like that they are nothing alike as I think this takes away the temptation to really compare the original and the reboot. Definitely worth a watch.


My youngest three were lucky enough to have an extra week of half term as their school bundle all of their training days into one week. This was something that I didn't mind when all of my girls were at the same school but with the eldest at secondary school now, it meant that we couldn't really do an awful lot so I'll admit to hearing the words "I'm bored" quite a lot as the weather hasn't been kind enough to let us get out too often either.


I did however make the effort for Halloween. It isn't something I typically like to celebrate as I think it is an occasion more for the Americans but the kids seem to love the idea of it so I put on a little 'Halloween day' for my lot and my god children.

The one thing I won't let my lot do is trick or treating so instead we put together a little Halloween hunt around the house, this entertained the kids and of course they were more than happy to eat what they'd found after. As well as the hunt I bought an abundance of crafty bits to let them get creative although I stopped short of buying lots of glitter!

And the kids and I also had a go at making hot dog mummies:



Cosier evenings mean the big blanket has come out. Everyone has a blanket in their lounge right? Mine is big red and fleecy and because I'm determined to not put the heating on yet, that's where you'll find me whenever I get the chance to just sit.

And of course the colder temperatures also mean that it's now hat wearing season, my favourite time of year because it means every day can be a bad hair day.

And lastly . . .

I'm waiting on my friend getting back to me about cutting my hair this weekend but lets just say I'm planning a big change....

Happy November everyone.

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