Hello everyone. Welcome to this weeks Read With Me. As the summer holidays draw to a close I am looking forward to getting back into more of a routine when it comes to blogging. I feel like I've neglected all of my linkers in the past couple of weeks.
Before I move onto the link up, I first want to share with you a fantastic craft book that is guaranteed to entertain kids in the coming colder months.
Each activity is equally disgusting yet thoroughly fun all at the same time. A lot of these will be fantastic for Halloween celebrations.
Set out in a way that makes it simple for anybody to understand, this is a book that's going to get even the most reluctant of crafters having a wonderfully gruesome time.
And now I have to tell you my favourite post from last week. In fact there was only one linker last week and that was Yet another blogging mummy.
Now on to the link up. Newbies do look at the Read With Me page, regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on a couple of other posts and perhaps consider displaying my badge of linking back somehow.

Happy reading.
Thanks for the mention, especially when that particular book wasn't really your kind of read. Guess it was a quiet quiet link-up due to the bank holiday