Wednesday 8 September 2021

Two Truths by Dana C Carver Blog Tour

 Jump on board my spot for the blog tour of Dana C Carver's novel Two Truths.

A tale of discovery with the use of religion as four family members essentially compete against each other whilst still trying to remain at one.

Complicated yet utterly fascinating all at the same time.


After the mysterious death of her husband, Renee's daughters - Brett, Sara and Hadley - become increasingly determined to explore the circumstances of his death, and in doing so tread a dangerous path. If Renee is to protect them, she must evolve in a way she has spent a lifetime avoiding.

As they follow the clues, Renee and her daughters come to terms with two Truths, taking each of them on a journey of self discovery. Renee’s discovery blooms in a romance, Sara’s through history, Brett’s through politics and Hadley’s through spirituality, yet they all learn the same two Truths; Truths that can be traced back through time. Truths about who they are, where they come from, and the existence of an extraordinary power.

I'll be honest from the beginning of this review.

As much as the story captivated me, it was slow going and some may not like this sort of pace of reading.

However for me personally, I didn't see this as a bad thing in fact it made me read the story over a few days rather than trying to devour it in mere minutes.


That's the one word that comes to mind when describing this tale.

We follow Renee and her daughters after losing their husband/father in a tragic car accident. Each chapter gives us a different point of view, an alternate journey to move alongside.

The whole book seemed to revolve around the idea of fates amongst family. Not only the concept that our actions will have consequences, more than that, our decisions can change a person's course (but perhaps only momentarily).

Even though each characters wanderings through life were very different, their lives still managed to overlap and intertwine with one another over the course of time.

There was a brilliant air of mystery throughout the whole novel.

Unpredictable and sobering. Two Truths is a powerful story! 

Offering an abstract view on identity and self discovery, I can say without a doubt that I have never read anything like it. If you are reading this and thinking that this sounds like a book you wouldn't normally read, I recommend that you step outside of your comfort zone and give it a go.

Please join the rest of the blog tour outlined below for more thoughts and reviews on this intriguing tale.


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