Wednesday 12 June 2013

Father's Day Card Making

Father's day is fast approaching. I always find it hard to know what to get Daddy Hazelden on this day because is birthday happens to fall only a couple of days after this!!

This year we have a distinct lack of money, which I am sure is the same for a lot of you, so we have decided to not bother with the presents (especially because poor old mum didn't get anything on Mother's day!!).

Instead we are made a nice card and the girls will be helping me to make his favourite dinner (paella) on the day.

Now we didn't want any old card, I find it is always nice to have something a bit personal, means more I think. By chance I happened to find the lovely Bella-Doodle on facebook. She makes beautiful handmade crayons and chalks and when I found her she was selling small pots of her crayons along with different Father's day cards that your children could colur in using said crayons.

It must have been fate because Daddy Hazelden is carpenter and she was selling a set with a card that had carpenters tools on, I had to buy it right??

When they arrived, I was really pleased. We had a mixture of shapes and colours, including hello kitty, stars, peppa pig, lego and a cupcake.  So the kids set to work on colouring in the card. They each chose a different tool and letter to colour, taking it in turns, for once there was no arguments!!

That was until the time to write in the card came. Both Elise and Freya can write their own names and their sister's names, so both wanted to do it, neither one could agree on who wrote what, that's when the tantrums started (joys of being a mum). After a good 20 minutes we finally had the card written and sealed. It is now in hiding somewhere, I don't know where, let's hope the girls can still find it when Sunday arrives. 

What are you doing for Father's day??



  1. I love homemade cards, we never buy any cards, only ever make them

    1. I'm trying to make more these days, the personal touch is so much better!!

  2. homemade cards are ace. Trouble i'm too lazy half the time to get the kids all organised and stuff lol

    1. LOL I can sympathise with that one, some days there just isn't enough energy is there.

  3. what a great homemade card! and dito to the no present thing we had the same although i manage to grab a bargain at a tesco the other day. so Daddy will get more then i did!

  4. What a great card. We haven't got a card sorted yet but have bought Dr Who themed presents!

  5. My boys have made cards too. My husband's birthday was Monday, our 10th wedding anniversary is Friday and then we have Fathers' day Sunday.

    The boys also made him badges :O)

  6. I bet Daddy is going to love these card - fab post x

  7. I love homemade cards and still need to organise the boys making daddy and grandpa a card. These look great!

  8. I bought a card from Moonpig a while back as its Zachs first fathers day so daddy will get that and a card made from Gracie with no help from Mummy at all as she is miss independent when it comes to arts and crafts. Luckily she is also a chatterbox so will tell him what she has attempted to write or draw lol

  9. Coming here via the uK bloggers group on FB. Love cardmaking myself but I am blidn so can'use crayons really. I hope daddy will be happy with the card and his yummy paella.


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