Thursday 4 July 2013

Is technology taking over??

I know I am guilty of popping the television on for the children when I want a bit of peace and quiet or if I'm trying to get on with housework without having them leave a trail of mess behind me but do you think technology is replacing traditional toys and parents playing one on one with their kids these days??

Now I am not against gadgets, infact I encourage my children to use my iPad and  the laptop but I don't just let them sit there for hours playing any old game. I allow them to do it because I pick out educational games or I am helping them research things for school. I know I can be seen a lot of the time with my iPhone in my hand and now that I think about it, I really should spend less time tweeting, blogging etc

I came across an interesting article from Galt toys that said research has found that busy parents are spending less than an hour a day playing with their children, instead replacing themselves with things like games consoles.

I think it such a shame. This same article shows that parents have lost confidence in their own ability to play with their children, what happened to a good old game of pots and pans and wooden spoons, just sitting doing a puzzle or reading a book. I love doing things like this because as I am sure many of you have realised, they grow up all too soon and won't want to be seen playing with mummy anymore.

Galt have actually bought a new range of toys, developed with Dr Miriam Stoppard, encouraging learning through play and they even come with special play guides and handy tips to help make the most of play time.

I love the idea of going back to basics as such. I think we as parents should make time to really have fun and interact with our children. We really can't use the excuse that we are too busy, if we have time to be sat on twitter, taking photo's of what we've eaten that day or playing candy crush for the tenth time that day, then we really do have the time to sit with our children and just play!!!

What do you think?? Tell me what do you like to play with your children??



  1. Oh this is such a good post - you're so right that if we have time to read blog posts *blush*, tweet etc there's time to play. When I first read that stat about 1 hour of play a day I scoffed a bit but then I realised it's probably not that far off the truth. More time playing, less time wasting.

    1. thank you for your comment. i think we don't realise these things until it's pointed out do we x

  2. I think you're right that many parents lack confidence when it comes to playing with their children. We don't know what we're supposed to be doing and so we turn to stuff like technology which seems more obviously educational.

    But the truth is that all play is learning for kids (and they don't need a special range of toys for this to be the case). Play is how a child makes sense of their world, and they can do that with a stick and a puddle of mud just as easily as anything else. If anything, the simpler the toy the better, because then a child has to bring more imagination to it.

    1. Very true, you think when they are little they are happier playing with the cardboard boxes and paper than they are with the actual presents inside!! x

  3. I love this post! I think technology does take over and take up a lot of our time, esp blogging, tweeting etc something of which I am guilty of! My 4 year old has quite a good imagination so likes to roll play rather than watch TV which is great, but I have to admit I could spend more time playing with her than I do!

    1. My children love dressing up and I often find myself with a tiara on my head ;) I think when we actually take the time to play with them it ends up being just as much fun for us as it is for them!! x

  4. It is true. We spend all day doing other stuff when we could be playing....shame on us!

    1. And lets be honest playing is probably a lot more fun than all the other stuff we seem to be busy with!!

  5. I am trying to have a good old fashioned summer with the boys. I am not banning tech, but I do want to reduce "our" reliance on it.


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