Saturday 28 September 2013

Wellie Season

Autumn has arrived, ok I know the weather has been seasonably warm but the leaves have definitely started falling, I've found a fair few in my doorway!!

With that in mind I thought it was time to invest in a new pair of wellies for my youngest two. Gracie was in need of a new pair because her feet decided to have a growth spurt and of course she had to have a pretty pink pair and what could be better than a pink pair of Hunter wellies.

And here she is doing her best modelling pose.

I know Layla won't be doing too much walking about, seen as she will be tucked up nicely in her purple pushchair but I just couldn't resist the matching hat and wellies from Peacocks.

So now we are all set for stepping outdoors during the colder months. Kids are now ready for jumping in muddy puddles and waltzing through big piles of crunchy leaves. 

Are your kids prepared for the colder weather yet?? 



  1. I had to get Emmy some new wellies recently. All they had in her size though were green crocodile ones....she loves them

  2. They grow out of wellies in a flash. Having girls and one boy, I tend to buy the bog standard green wellies so I can hand them down. Gracie looks happy in her new boots. Very colourful. #CountryKids

    1. that is a good idea buying the green, I'm lucky with all girls that the pink works for all and one day i'll be able to borrow theirs ;) x

  3. Wellies are fab! I love my wellies. Both C and I have sparkly Hunter wellies and they are so comfy!

    1. Gracie loves them, she wanted to wear them to bed lol x

  4. You can't beat the wellie season. I love watching my kids jumping in puddles and having fun. I also love to join in!

  5. Finns new wellies are bright yellow and with a digger on them needless to say he loves them! loving the hunters ones! cant believe summer is over already :o(

  6. Love that set from peacocks it's so cute

  7. They look so cute in their new wellies - I can't wait to see some photos of them having fun splashing in puddles and kicking up leaves. Thanks for linking and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Gracie is waiting for the rain so she can get her peppa pig umbrella out :)

  8. I love wellies and pink hunters...lucky girl x

    1. she is indeed, her wellies are better than mine lol

  9. Ah yes it's new wellies time for them to splash and conquer!

    1. it's normally poor old mummy that gets splashed lol x

  10. Tried to shop yesterday for wellies for my two monkeys but they didn't have their size! Must try harder to get some, now the ground is wet! They love nothing better than stomping through wet leaves, muddy puddles and the like!

  11. Lovely wellies! Boo has some new ones, but I'd like to get some for Little Man now that he's starting walking so he can have the odd stumble through leaves and crunch in the snow!

  12. Love this! Those wellies are so cute :) I need to get myself a pair!


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