Wednesday 25 December 2013

Hello, Goodbye Santa

Merry Christmas to all of my lovely readers, I hope you have a really lovely day.

Elise has been busy writing some more poetry so I thought seen as it is Christmas day I would share one of her Christmas ones with you all.

Hello, Goodbye Santa

Hello, goodbye Santa 
The jolliest of them all
The toys are amazing 
That you have given us all

You came and Christmas says "hello"
Then you go and the children say "goodbye"

Oh thank you Santa 
For everything you have done
If children were naughty 
Their presents would be none

Hello, goodbye Santa
The jolliest of them all
The toys are amazing 
That you have given us all



  1. thats a lovely poem well done elise!

    1. thanks hun, she is really getting into writing poems, nice to get feedback x


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