Friday 10 January 2014

Lasting Memories

Last week I joined in with a new linky from The Reading Residence called 'Word of the Week'. I really enjoyed writing the post as it gave me a chance to really sit back, think and reflect on the week that had just gone instead of just letting it pass by so I've decided to join in again.

My word for this week is :

On Tuesday Daddy Hazelden and I attended the funeral of Nan Russ (my husband's nan). Although a sad occasion, it gave us a chance to look back on her life and the memories she had created along the way. There were lots of photos documenting just what she had done when she was alive, amazing to see the timeline from baby right up to adulthood. 

It was fascinating to hear all of the stories behind each of the pictures, all about this wonderful woman and extremely surprising to find out many things that we never knew about her.

I think we tend to take for granted having people like our grandparents around, I don't know about you but as a kid I believed my nan and grandpa would be around forever and I still wish they would be!!

It is times like this that make you really appreciate your own life and the lives of others around you and as I watched other family members sitting there I felt it was such a shame that it should take such and occasion to bring family together. 

It has encouraged me to really make the most of every day, make time to see family and friends more often and create more fabulous memories for us all to look back on and remember.


The Reading Residence

Post Comment Love


  1. Lovely post, I'm really into family history and I learnt so much about family members that had passed, including my own Granny that I never knew. I love photo albums, triggering long forgotten memories #PoCoLO

    1. My FIL started doing a family tree, it is surprising how much you can find out and how far back you can go x

  2. A lovely post, though sorry to hear about your husband's nan. We've no grandparents now, but I think you do take people around you for granted and it often things like funerals that bring family together, which is so sad. Glad you're taking something positive from it, though. Thanks for joining in with #WotW

  3. I love making and thinking about memories, fab word. So sorry for your loss xx #Wotw

    1. Thank you, I think it was nice to be able to take positives from the situation x

  4. Sorry for your loss. It is a shame that it takes a death in the family to bring everyone together but at least you all get to remember the funny things, the surprising things and the things that made you smile. It's the best way to remember someone who has left us.
    Great post. #PoCoLo

    1. Very true, it is great how everyone remembers things differently too x

  5. Sorry for your loss hun. Such a great word - time to look back and remember all the good times. #WotW

  6. A lovely post and a great word! Sorry for your loss x #WotW

    1. Thank you, memories mean that although she is gone, she isn't forgotten x

  7. What a wonderful post and a great word. Memories are the best - I guess that's one of the main reasons we all blog. I hope the funeral went as well as it could x

    1. It was a lovely send off thank you, a really great turn out x

  8. Sorry to hear about your husbands nan :-( Hope you are all okay #PoCoLo

    1. It was a tough day, think it bought us closer together though. she will be missed x

  9. So sorry for your loss!!
    Such a wonderful word! Memories!

  10. A lovely post. So sorry for your loss. It is amazing how people can look back on and also appreciate how lives form and progress. x

    1. Very much so, just wish I knew more when she was here x

  11. What a lovely post, I definitely agree with celebrating life while we're alive. I was thinking about grandparents this week too as my grandad would have been 100 yesterday, it's lovely to think about their whole lives, spread over so many years.

    1. Definitely, always nice to think of them, seems to be new memories that arise all of the time x

  12. Sometimes it's good to look back at our family's history it's just so sad when your loved ones pass away x #WotW

  13. Sorry for your loss - but thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful post. x #WotW

  14. So sorry for your loss, but what a lovely post xx #WotW

  15. A lovely post. I wish I knew more about my Grandparents but I have some great memories of my Gran at least. So sorry for your loss x

    1. And it is those memories that you will always cherish x

  16. What a lovely post. And you are so right, we do tend to take our grandparents for granted while they are alive. I really miss my grandmother and wish she was still alive to meet her great-grandkids.

    1. I think the problem is that most people don't realise how much they take things for granted until they are gone x

  17. What a great and very apt word to choose for the week you have had. This is such a great linky :) And thank for linking to PoCoLo x


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