Thursday 27 March 2014

Sing Along To Disney's Frozen

If you haven't heard of Disney's Frozen yet then just where have you been?? This has become the favourite Disney film in the Hazelden household and the girls are extremely excited because on Monday Frozen will be available to buy on DVD and Blueray, I have to admit that even I'm looking forward to watching it again.

One of the things that is so loveable about the film is the amazingly catchy soundtrack. We have had the Frozen CD playing on repeat and the girls know a lot of the words off by heart now.

I'm sure you've seen plenty of the videos of parents and children singing along to all the now famous songs.

There is a great video on You Tube on Disney UK's official channel that has the words on the screen as the song plays allowing you to sing along with ease to the song 'Let It Go'.

I wasn't brave enough to get infront of the camera but my eldest daughter Elise loves to sing her heart out so gave it her best shot. gave it her best shot last night :

Will you be buying Disney's Frozen next week? What is your favourite song the film to sing along too?



  1. We love Frozen here...Do you want to build a snowman is my fave....I'm buying two copies of it so there with be no arguing! lol
    Fab video!! Too cute!!

  2. We love Frozen, & Boo and I were literally just singing Let it Go a few minutes ago! We've preordered it & it'll be Boo's Easter present :)

    1. That was my plan too, although I'm thinking of watching it myself a few times before I give it to them ;) x

  3. Ali and the girls have seen it and love it. Apparently the sisters remind Ali of our girls lol but I haven't seen it yet. I will try and get a copy when it's out :) x


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