Saturday 24 May 2014

Project 365 Days 138 - 144

This week has been tough for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with the weather but the girls have been more argumentative with both myself and each other. I've not been sleeping very well and Layla  is suffering from yet another cough and cold. I'm so glad it is half term, lets hope the sun shines and we can have a better week.

Day 138

I know I'm biased but don't you think these are some gorgeous little faces, they certainly know how to make me smile.

Day 139

Daddy Hazelden decided to buy a basketball hoop for the garden, the competition was on to see who could score first.

Day 140

Aaaa the iPad, it can provide some much needed quiet time when the girls all huddle around it.

Day 141

Freya seemed deep in thought, Gracie was busy with her lego, Layla had managed to steal yet another pair of my shoes whilst Elise was showing of her latest drawing.

Day 142

I made my first ever batch of chocolate and beetroot muffins. I didn't let the girls know the ingredients until they had eaten them, there were no crumbs in sight!!


Gracie helped me carry the shopping around Morrisons, Layla was trying her hardest to reach the snacks, Freya was not impressed at being told to read whilst Elise was busy cheating at basketball.

Day 144

Spot of morning yoga?? A new place to put stickers and apparently Elise is off to a party??


TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. It must be great having 4 girls in the house but I can imagine it must be a challenge at times too! We only have one so I'm guessing! Love the first and last photo compilations especially although your muffins sound divine :)

    1. I love my girls dearly but they do know how to argue ;)

  2. Ha ha! Bottoms up! I love the 1st photo of the girls. They are all beautiful :) x #365

  3. Awww Beautiful Girlies!!! My kids this week have drove me round the twist with fighting eachother etc and now there off for a week!! HELP lol... Your Muffins sound Lovely!! Must give those a go, do you have the recipe? #Project365 x

    1. lol good luck ;) look out for my recipe over on superbusy mum, guest post going up soon x

  4. Ahh I love your girls, they never fail to make me smile! Lovely photos, I especially love Layla stealing your shoes lol

  5. I love seeing photos of your girls. Looks like another great week hun x #365

  6. OH what gorgeous girls you have - you're not biased that first collage of them is just beautiful :)

  7. Lovely photos as ever. The stickers all up the legs made me laugh :)

  8. your girls are all so beautiful honey, i do have to agree that my fave is the stickers one .. at least they werent on the walls ;-)

    1. haha this is true!! I keep finding them on the floor now lol x

  9. Beautiful family you have there. Love the stickers on the legs :)

  10. That first collage is beautiful. I always love seeing what your girls have been up to during the week, always some great photos! Loving the stickers on the legs and the party outfit :)

  11. So many smiles - lovely captures of your girls this week !

  12. Beautiful pictures hun. Loving the posing and stickers this week

  13. OMG Isabella would go mad for the Minnie Mouse head band! Lovely pictures as always! Have a lovely week xx

  14. You are doing so well to keep taking photos of all of your girls every day. What an amazing collection you will have at the end of the year. I love the hairband photos, I have a little girl who is obsessed with hair bands too.

    1. that reminds me I need to get last months printed!! we have boxes filled with headbands lol.

  15. Chocolate and beetroot muffins are gorgeous aren't they

  16. love the yoga picture, made me laugh, love how the wee ones always copy the big ones. We love beetroot and choc cake, a great combination. Freyas face in day 143 is brilliant, great to look back on and lol at the stickers

  17. What gorgeous girls and judging by these photos, these four girlies have you kept busy! haha! I am LOVING their flowery headbands too. Gorgeous pics hun! x #365

  18. So cute!!

    I would never have thought to make chocolate and beetroot!! May try that to get some beetroot into my girls!


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