Wednesday 2 July 2014

Beginners Guide to Running With

If you've read my blog before then you will know that this year I have been on my own little quest to get fit and healthy and one of my favourite exercises is running. It not only helps me to stay healthy but it also gives me a little 'me time', I can pop my headphones in and blcok out the world for a little while.

I wrote a post a while ago about my personal top ten tips for getting fit.

I have managed to lose a bit of weight and a couple of inches off my waist and hips but the trouble with that is, my exercise clothes no longer fit which made running difficult. Just imagine the scene, seeing me running down the street with boobs bouncing all over the place and one hand trying to hold my jogging bottoms up, I think I would have laughed if I'd have seen myself. I have to admit this has meant I haven't been out running in a while.

The lovely Jaime from The Olivers Madhouse after posting a fitness post herself including some fellow bloggers posts, was nice enough to pass on our details to a company she has worked with previously. to the rescue!!!

They have  kindly provided me with some new running kit including, sports bra, shorts, socks and trainers, meaning that I can get back on that exercise wagon.

I will be writing a review soon on the exercise wear that I have been provided and just how it has helped improve my regime but in the mean time I wanted to share with you 5 tips from myself and beginners guide to running incase you fancied giving running a try yourself.

*Get Started are correct when they say, the hardest part isn't the first few metres or even the last few, it is actually getting started in the first place, just by taking an interest in what I have written here means you have made it to the start line!!

* Set Goals
Not just I want to get fit or I want to lose weight, exact targets will help keep you motivated. For
example my recent target is that I want to be able to run 5km in under 30 minutes.

*Buy The Kit
Realistically you don't need a lot, a decent pair of trainers and for women, a good sports bra, then any old t-shirt and bottoms will do. The right trainers can make a huge difference, I've had ones before where I've ended with blisters and ankle pain because they weren't specifically for running, defintely worth shopping around.

*Never Forget to Warm Up
I can testify to this, the one time I didn't warm up, I was left unable to run for over a week because I tore the muscle in my calf. Even if it is only a couple of minutes of stretching, it can prevent unnecessary injuries.

* It Isn't a Bad Thing to Stop and Walk
Don't be hard on yourself if you can't run the whole way, infact changing pace every so often is actually good for you so don't be afraid to stop and walk for a while.

If running sounds like something you would like to try, have also written a 9 week programme to get you started which you can find here.

What is your favourite exercise to do? Have you got any good fitness tips you'd like to share??


Disclaimer : I was sent the fitness gear free of charge for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I love running and can't wait to get back into shape after my son arrives this month. Want to do a 10 km in October!

  2. I am terrible at exercising! I used to claim it was because I did so much walking in my job that I didn't need to do any the rest of the time. Thats not the case anymore as I spend about 50% of my time in the office! The flab is definitely starting to creep on particularly around the rear! I go horse riding though which I guess counts a bit :)x #MMWBH

  3. I love running, but rarely doing it these days as I am infected with the lazies! lol! Not when it comes to the house or anything home related but when it comes to myself? Good for you though and hopefully soon I can take a leaf out of your book! Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH xx

    1. lol I get infected with the lazies often!!! ;)

  4. Ooh thanks for this... I am trying to get back to running after 18 months off (thanks pleurisy!)

  5. I certainly need to get into running, the right kit and shoes I think can make a difference, a great read, found through #MMWBH , the first time I have used a link up :) ( at

  6. Running is quite addictive! It's better when you've got someone to run with, as they can keep you going when it gets tough :) from a dad's perspective, getting back into running/exercise after my son was born was tricky - but I knew my partner wanted to exercise more so I took the plunge too! I found 30-minute bursts of really intense exercise left me feeling great; and I'm much fitter now :) x

    1. that's it, I always feel better after exercising, definitely more energised!! x

  7. I used to do cross country running but with family commitments it has gone by the wayside. I'd love to start again once my youngest starts nursery in September.

    1. that is the trouble with exercising isn't it, having the time to do it, I struggle some weeks!! x

  8. Lovely to see another blogger into running. I love running, and have been running #FItnessTuesday for a few years. Would love you to join in ;)

  9. How nice of them to kit you out. I have a pair of shoes from that site, they have some great stuff.
    I have tried a few times to get into running but it's not really for me. Instead I do BodyPump, which is weightlifting to music, and BodyCombat, which is martial arts-style aerobics. Plus I sometimes do 30 day exercise challenges at home. I think everybody will have a type of exercise that they enjoy enough to keep doing, it's just that most people don't try enough different things and then give up assuming that exercise is not for them when in fact it's for everybody.

    1. I like doing the 30 day challenges too, great way to keep you motivated as there is an end goal. I think what you've said is true people don't take the time to find out what exercise is good for them!! x

  10. I've recently taken up running. Well I started earlier this year but my operation set me back a bit. I recently completed the race for life and am determined to keep going. I loved every second.
    Just a question about your trainers, are they true to size? And have you gone for just road running shoes or trail/cross trainers? Xx

    1. The trainers are true to size, they are the Nike FS lite running shoes x

  11. I was running non stop last year and then I got an injury. I wish I can go back but I dont know really how to. #MMWBH

    1. think it is a matter of starting slow and building your way back up x

  12. Some really good tips here thanks. I have just started running but it's still not as often as I would like and have yet to time myself or check my distance as I'm just not really that good at it!

  13. I set goals and then train with someone so that we are accountable to each other. Right now my mom and I are training for a half marathon. My first, her second. We check in with each other on run days and report on how we did. We're doing a 3 run a week training program. #MMWBH


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