Friday 19 December 2014

Making Your Own Christmas Tree

I don't know about you but I like to have more than one Christmas tree in my house. The husband however isn't so keen, so I've been making smaller cardboard versions to pop around the house instead. They are so simple to make and of course you can paint them whatever colour you like and decorate them as you please.

You will need :

2 Pieces Of Cardboard (the bigger the cardboard, the bigger the tree)
Christmas Decorations

1. On the first piece of cardboard draw a Christmas tree with four branches on either side, making sure to leave the end of each branch pointing upwards so that the decorations won't fall off when hung on them.

2. Cut the first tree out.

make your own Christmas tree

3. Using your first Christmas tree as a template, draw your second tree and cut this one out two.

4. Paint each tree, we went for traditional green but you can get as creative as you like.

make your own Christmas tree

5. Leave them to dry.

6. Once dry, cut one Christmas tree from the bottom to the middle and cut the other one from the top to the middle.

7. Slot the two trees together carefully.

cardboard christmas trees

8. Now all that is left to do is decorate your Christmas tree.

decorated cardboard christmas tree



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