Tuesday 16 December 2014

My Own Little Angels

I had one of those proud mummy moments last week when my 4 year old and my 6, almost 7 year old took part in their school's nativity play.

Gracie along with her reception class mates was a little sparkly snowflake.

And Freya was given a part that was just so apt for her, Whoopsy Daisy Angel.

Freya has been known as first aid Freya for a while now so falling over on stage was no problem for her. Although my daughter was actually more excited at getting to wear make up than the actual part she was chosen for lol.

My eldest daughter Elise had the lead part as Mary a couple of years ago and it was wonderful to see Freya doing as well as her big sister. She said her words loudly and clearly for all to hear and oozed confidence.

Apologies for the blurry photo but poor mummy couldn't close enough to the stage and my zoom isn't too good.

I think we always worry about our children but seeing Freya so happy skipping up and down the aisles was heart warming. It was nice to see her shine in her moment.

It was made more special for me when others commented on just how well she done.

Really all the children did so well. It is only key stage one that take part in the nativity at there school and seeing all the younger ones singing their little hearts out automatically puts a smile on your face.

And although still not the traditional nativity play, it was so well put together, all the children and teachers hard work really paid off. Another brilliant Christmas memory.

Have you been to see your child's nativity play this year, what part were they picked for?


1 comment:

  1. Well done to your girls. My son played a snowman in his performance of Snow Queen whilst Leah (aged 2) is doing hers on Wednesday.


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