Wednesday 28 January 2015

Imprify Photo Book Review

I love taking photos and since starting the project 365 project last year the number I take has risen immensely. All the images that I snap are taken on my mobile. The trouble is, is that I am lazy I tend to let the amount of photographs I capture pile up on my phone and then never do anything with them. This is partly because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to upload them all onto the computer to enable me to create things like photobooks online. Then I was asked if I would like to review an Imprify photo book.


Thes are made using the Imprify app on your phone. This app allows you to use photos on your phone or your accounts on Facebook, Instagram or Dropbox, a brilliant concept which instantly gives you access to a wide range of photos without the need for wires, memory cards etc.

I have made photobooks on my laptop in the past and as much it can be fun to fiddle about with sizings, frames, added captions and so forth, sometimes I like to have a quick and easy option which requires less thinking. Imprify provides you with this.

The hardest part was picking 22 photos to go inside the book.

You can choose what order you would like your photos to appear and you can even pick a selection of images to appear on the front cover. Easy peasy. All in all from start to finish it took about 10 minutes.

Now I have to admit I was a bit skeptical as the only thing it didn't allow me to do was check how the photos would appear when printed, this meant no knowing if things were placed in the right position, heads chopped off etc.


When the book arrived I couldn't have been more pleased. It arrived within 2 days of me ordering and the finsished product was wonderful.

The material used for the bookhad a classic look and feel.

The front cover was gorgeous. A sneak peek into what was inside.

And the photos themselves printed out well. Even the darker photos were clear to see. Filled with images of my daughters, I was so impressed that I gifted the book to my mum for her birthday and she couldn't have been happier, she has been showing everyone when they pop by to visit.

With photobooks priced at around £15, I think Imprify have proved that you don't need to be all fancy to make a beautiful personalised gift.

Now if you like the look of these, I have a 20% off code which is valid until May 2015, just enter L20J15 at checkout.


Disclaimer : I was sent this photobook FOC for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. The books looks amazing. It's always a gamble buying these online so good to get a recommendation - plus discount code! #pocolo

  2. so lovely to see photos printed these days, I'm far to inclined to leave them on screen #Tried&Tested

  3. Aww! That is such a lovely book....So sweet! A great price too :) x

  4. i might have to take a look! were are looking into getting out last 5 years into photo books at the minute so these might work

  5. What a great idea! I have so many photos sat on my phone and I never do anything with them lol. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  6. They're gorgeous! We never get round to printing out photos any more!
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x


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