Tuesday 31 March 2015

Weekly Weigh In 31.03.2015

I can't believe we are 3 months into the year already. It has flown by, I don't feel like I've been trying to lose weight for that long and I'm surprised that I've managed to keep up doing a weekly weigh in and blogging about it. I think this is the longest I've ever stuck at being healthy.

So with my period out of the way I was hoping for good results on the scales but the scales didn't budge, I stayed the same however my measurements went back to what they were 2 weeks ago minus all the bloat.

This week I'm starting a new exercise challenge, I've downloaded the ebook from Kayla Itsines and I'm hoping to stick with this 12 week workout. I've seen lots of amazing photos on her instagram account of brilliant body transformations, a great motivation so fingers crossed these exercises will make a difference.

Food wise I've been sticking with the healthy eating. I honestly love it. Yes I still have to odd cake or chocolate bar but I stick with dark chocolate and try to make healthier versions of my favourite cakes.
It has definitely made me more adventurous and the kids are benefiting from it too because pretty much every meal they have is made fresh.

My meal plan for this week :

Breakfast - porridge, smoothie bowl or parfait

Lunch - soup, toast or crackers with healthy toppings, cous cous salad or scrambled egg

Dinner -

Monday - spinach and mozarella fritata
Tuesday - healthy fry up
Wednesday - sweet potato pizza
Thursday - jacket potato with bake beans
Friday - slow cooker spaghetti bolognese
Saturday - take away night
Sunday - slow cooked pork roast

Drink wise I am half way through my tea box, I think it has helped with bloating but not sure on the weight loss front so far. I will be allowing myself a drink at the weekend, my little brother is back for Easter and he doesn't know it yet but he's taking me to the pub ;)

Hope everyone is happy and healthy.



  1. Well done keep going Chantelle, I have been so naughty the last few days I have today eaten Cheese for Breakfast, Lunch and Tea in various meals, its got to stop!



  2. Ha ha, your poor brother! Hope you have a lovely time this weekend when he is back!
    I cannot believe we are already a quarter of the way through the year - it has been great keeping up to date with everyone's progress. You are doing so well - good to know about the tea, my tummy bloats something chronic. Always love your images, you have a definite knack of making the food look really appealing! #WeightLossWednesday Sim xx

  3. Sounds like you are doing really well and congrats for sticking with the healthy eating plan... I totally lost motivation a while back but am back with renewed vigour and am determined to stick with it this time! Have a lovely easter and enjoy your trip to the pub with your brother :) xx #bloggingtojogging

  4. It's brilliant making your meals from fresh, fancy coming to mine for a week?! Haha The avocado looks yummy, one of mine and Toby's faves. Well done for sticking to your plan and finding healthy alternatives. Thanks for linking with #BloggingToJogging xx


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