Wednesday 15 April 2015

Slimming Solutions TeaTox Review

TeaToxing seems to be one of the latest crazes to not only help with weight loss but to promote general healthy well being within a balance diet.

I was recently sent a 2 week TeaTox from Slimming Solutions to try and I'm back to report on the results.

The 2 weeks TeaTox consists of 21 tea bags. 14 tea bags for day time drinking and 7 tea bags for night time drinking.

On the website it says that you receive a free clean eating plan however I didn't get this part so I cannot comment on how effective it is.

slimming solutions teatox

How it works :

Drink a cup of day time tea every morning for two weeks and drink a cup of night time tea every other night for 2 weeks.

The teas are designed to work with your body to get rid of any nasty toxins. The all natural herb mixtures also help to increase metabolism and decrease cravings.

Brewing the tea is easy. Simply place your tea bag in a cup, pour over boiling water and leave to infuse for around 2-3 minutes.

slimming solutions teatox brewing

Warning : The evening blend can have a mild laxative effect and it is advised that you drink it atleast 30 minutes after your last meal.

My thoughts :

Taste wise I was impressed, both day time and evening blends were packed full of flavour, a nice mixture of herbs. I will say though that I didn't like the smell of the evening blend, I don't know how to describe it other than to say that I found it unpleasant.

After 2 weeks of drinking it I have to admit I found myself less bloated which in turn certainly left me feeling better in myself. I like to drink a lot of green tea and these teas definitely made a nice alternative.

I didn't lose any weight but this is probably partly my fault as I didn't stick to a clean eating plan whilst on the teatox (I blame Easter).

Overall I was impressed and I'd like to do another 2 weeks of it but sticking to a better eating plan next time round.



  1. These look interesting, and a good way to rid your body of toxins, as it seems simple enough to drink some tea.

  2. They sound an interesting way to kick start a healthy eating plan. #Tried&Tested

  3. I've been eyeing this for awhile. Glad to know it tastes nice. I would like to try this but it sounds like it's best done when I'm ready to stick to a two week eating plan. #TriedTested

  4. this sound quite interesting. Will have to give them a try #triedtested

  5. I can't bear tea so I don't think I'd get very far with it. Interesting to hear it helped you to feel less bloated though.
    Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested this week x


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