Friday 26 June 2015

Cinema, Dinner Dates and Falling To My Death

Cinema, dinner dates and falling to my death, sounds like a typical weekend doesn't it?? Well last weekend I actually got some much needed alone time with my husband. It had been planned for a while but as we all know, plans change. We were due to go and watch Foo Fighters in concert on the Saturday however as I'm sure you're aware, the gig unfortunately got cancelled, much to my disappointment. Infact I have to admit I was more than annoyed because I'd missed out on a blogging conference, Britmums because I had really wanted to see Foo Fighters instead.

But as they say, the show must go on and after a re jig of babysitters, we were off on our travels, which of course means a car journey selfie (you'll notice a running theme in this post).

We're extremely lucky that the hubby's dad has a flat in Greenwich which is a prime location, as in Starbucks just around the corner, priorities!!

Travelling up on the Friday night, cinema ticket booked over at the o2, the plan was to have a few drinks and dinner before watching the movie. I'd not been to the o2 before, I was actually surprised at how much it held inside. But before I go on, queue a good old posed picture infront of the o2.

Dinner of choice was Brazilian, well actually it was the second Brazilian of choice as we found ourselves leaving the first one because they took far too long to even acknowledge us standing infront of them. After filling up on good food and wine we went to see Entourage the Movie, not forgetting the obligatory pic n mix, I always have room for pic n mix.

Now if you've never watched the series Entourage then I implore you to do so now, such a good show, laugh out loud funny, light hearted TV and the film didn't disappoint. It was like a feature length episode which is exactly what I expected/wanted.

A few more drinks after and we were back in bed before midnight, we know how to live the rock n roll  life style!!

Early morning start the next day as we had tickets booked for the London Dungeons. This meant that we had time for more selfies. One infront of the Cutty Sark which is actually about a minutes walk from my father in laws flat and the it's too early to be on a tube selfie.

We had breakfast at Giraffe (my favourite restaurant) before heading to the London Dungeons. I'll put my hands up now and say I was a tad jumpy, it was dark in there alright??!! But I'm happy to report we made it out unscathed, even after falling to my death at the end.

The weather seemed to get upset whilst we were inside though because we came out to grey clouds and rain. Sneaks in another touristy picture.

The day was ended with a walk around Greenwich market and a spot of lunch. This was enough time away from the kids for me though so we cut the day a little short and headed home. Good job really because the rain really came down on the way home.

It was so nice having some time with my husband without kids. Good food, good drink and great company. Sometimes wish we could do it more often, maybe not the falling to my death part ;)

For now I'll leave you with images to make your mouth water.



  1. It sounds like you had an amazing time, despite the gig being cancelled. I think we really appreciate adult time, when it's so few and far between!

  2. Glad you had a good time even if it wasn't quite the good time you planned. Hope you can go when the gig is rescheduled. #pocolo

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful time - sometimes spur of the moment things are the best ones! Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo :) x


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