Tuesday 13 October 2015

Our Own Elf and Fairy Party

A couple of weeks ago I told you all about Ben and Holly's Elf and Fairy party. If you haven't had a chance to hold your own yet, perhaps you can get inspiration from the party my girls and I held last week.

The girls received their invitations from Ben and Holly inviting them to join in the celebrations.

Whilst waiting for the big day to arrive, they took the time to make a card to bring as well as preparing the decorations. All of which you can find here.

When the day of the party arrived, I was chief food maker because the girls were all at school of course. So I got stuck into creating caterpillar sandwiches, ladybird snacks and not forgetting the magic jelly!

No party is complete without party games, so we had a game of pin the feather on Ben's hat, I've popped an image below which you can save and print out. I printed two and cut the feather out of the second picture ready for pinning.

ben and holly printout

After all of the excitement of party games, it was time to get stuck into the party food, this didn't last long.

We ended the party with a spot of colouring. I'll admit to joining in, I do love colouring and after the stress fun of partying, it was a nice relaxing end.



  1. But the big question.....WAS THERE A JELLY FLOOD??? Looks fabulous...you creative lady, you!! My son turns four tomorrow and so far, I have baked a cake...well...Husband baked it, but I did put it out on the cooling rack... Great ideas there. Maybe next time... Anna #TwinklyTuesday

  2. what a fab idea! looks like everyone had a blast! Thanks for sharing! beautiful photos! Suz x Beauisblue.com

  3. What a gorgeous idea! They must have loved it! Well done mumma! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


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